Agility Completes £763 Million Acquisition of Menzies Aviation
Kuwait City, Kuwait:
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Leader Spotlight: How CHRO Rabah Bu Hamdan leverages analytics to drive people-centric policies
Kuwait City, Kuwait:
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Solar Panels to Reduce Carbon Emissions at NAS in Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya:
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
National Aviation Services (NAS) Selected for Groundforce Portugal Tender
Lisbon, Portugal:
Monday, August 1, 2022
Boosting Africa's commercial aviation sector, a sure route to recovery
Kuwait City, Kuwait:
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
NAS Wins “Organization of the Year for Youth Empowerment in Aviation” Award
Dubai, UAE:
Monday, June 27, 2022
World Blood Donor Day Activities at NAS
Kuwait City, Kuwait:
Monday, June 20, 2022
NAS Mozambique Launches Exclusive Meet and Assist Service
Maputo, Mozambique:
Friday, June 17, 2022
NAS Renews ISAGO accreditation for Kuwait Operations
Kuwait :
Monday, June 13, 2022
NAS Marked Earth Day 2022 with Activities Across Network
Kuwait City, Kuwait:
Thursday, June 9, 2022
NAS Patronne L’evenement “Our World Reopened” en Marge de la Reunion Annuelle du WEF a Davos
Davos, Switzerland:
Thursday, May 26, 2022
NAS a organisé l'événement avant-dîner "Notre Monde Rouvert" en marge de la réunion annuelle du Forum économique mondial à Davos cette semaine. Avec des chefs de gouvernement, des experts en affaires, des entrepreneurs sociaux et des médias du monde entier, la soirée a été l'occasion de se connecter, d’amplifier les réseaux et d'écouter aux idées inspirantes de l'industrie aéronautique. Marwan M. Boodai, président de Jazeera Airways et vice-président du conseil d'administration de BoodaiCorp, Ling Hai, coprésident des marchés internationaux de Mastercard et Matthew Kuta, cofondateur, président et chef de l'exploitation de Voyager Space - ont partagé leurs réflexions au milieu des conversations engageantes entre les participants. Dans un effort pour promouvoir la durabilité, NAS a également compensé les émissions de carbone liées aux voyages Davos pour tous ceux qui p
Le Rassemblement Davos Eclipse Par Les Inquietudes Economiques Mondiales
Davos, Switzerland:
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Hassan El Houry, PDG du groupe National Aviation Services (NAS), s'est adressé à l'Associated Press lors de l'événement annuel du Forum économique mondial à Davos. Au cours de l'entretien, il a évoqué les effets de la pandémie mondiale sur l'industrie aéronautique, le rebond actuel du secteur et la reprise prévue. Lire l'article complet ici.
Le CIO du Groupe NAS Prend la Parole au Sommet IDC CIO au Koweït
Kuwait City, Kuwait:
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Le directeur de l'information du groupe NAS, Rami Al Haddad, a fourni la semaine dernière un briefing sur les démarches à entreprendre pour transformer un centre de coûts en centre de profit lors d'une présentation au sommet d'International Data Corporation (IDC) pour CIO de l’an 2022 au Koweït. Le département informatique de NAS est un exemple parfait sur la manière dont une entreprise a transformé un centre de coûts en un centre de profit fournissant des solutions informatiques aéronautiques et solutions web en ligne à des clients du monde entier. Dans sa présentation, Rami a mis en évidence plusieurs exemples pour démontrer comment l'introduction de la technologie dans les opérations a stimulé les rendements. Il a également présente une feuille de route standard pour atteindre vos objectifs de transformation.
NAS Brings Technology Tools and Learning to Students in Tanzania
Moshi, Tanzania:
Monday, May 9, 2022
National Aviation Services (NAS) Annonce Un Partenariat Avec Transworld Aviation Limited A Zanzibar
Zanzibar, Tanzania:
Thursday, April 28, 2022
National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services aéronautiques à la croissance la plus rapide sur les marchés émergents, a récemment signé un protocole d'accord stratégique avec Transworld Aviation Limited, (TWAL). Grâce à ce partenariat, les deux sociétés unissent leurs forces pour améliorer les services d'assistance en escale et de traitement des passagers à l'Aéroport International Abeid Amani Karume de Zanzibar. NAS est actuellement le plus grand prestataire de services au sol en Afrique, desservant plus de 100 compagnies aériennes dans le monde, gérant plus de 50 salons d'aéroport sur son réseau et offrant un portefeuille étendu de services comprenant des solutions technologiques innovantes et des formations. En l'espace d'un an, la société a étendu sa présence en Afrique avec 16 nouveaux aéroports en Afrique du Sud, au Kenya, en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), en Guinée-Bissau, au Libéria et en Zambie,
Opportunités Dans Le Secteur De La Manutention De Fret
Kuwait City, Kuwait:
Monday, April 18, 2022
Burak Kurt, directeur de l'exploitation cargo du groupe, discute les nouvelles tendances en matière de manutention de fret spécial et de la capacité de NAS à gérer le fret spécialisé avec En savoir plus ici.
NAS Renouvelle l’Accreditation ISAGO pour le Kilimandjaro et Dar es Salam en Tanzanie
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:
Monday, April 11, 2022
National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services aéronautiques à la croissance la plus rapide sur les marchés émergents, a renouvelé son accréditation IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) pour le Kilimandjaro et Dar Es Salaam en Tanzanie. Les opérations de NAS Dar Airco à l'Aéroport International du Kilimandjaro et à l'Aéroport International Julius Nyerere sont accréditées ISAGO couvrant l'Organisation et la Gestion (ORM), le Contrôle de la Charge (LOD), la Gestion des Passagers et des Bagages (PAB), la Manutention et le Chargement des Aéronefs (HDL), le Sol des Aéronefs Mouvement (AGM) ainsi que la Manutention du Fret et du Courrier (CGM). NAS Dar Airco gère chaque année plus de 3 000 vols à destination et en provenance des deux aéroports, notamment Astral Aviation, Ethiopian Airlines, Fly Dubai, KLM et RwandAir. L'ISAGO est un programme d'audit internationalement reconnu p
GLS - NAS Renouvelle Son Engagement Envers La Sécurité Et La Qualité De L'assistance En Escale Au Libéria
Monrovia, Liberia:
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
GLS-NAS, coentreprise de National Aviation Services (NAS) au Libéria a renouvelé avec succès sa certification IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) pour les opérations à l'Aéroport international Roberts pour la deuxième fois. Les opérations GLS-NAS à Monrovia sont accréditées pour l'Organisation et la Gestion (ORM), le Contrôle de la Charge (LOD), la Manutention et le Chargement des Aéronefs (HDL), les Mouvements au Sol des Aéronefs (AGM) ainsi que la Manutention du Fret et du Courrier (CGM). GLS-NAS, dessert sept compagnies aériennes clientes, gère environ 160 vols chaque mois au Libéria et est l'une des sept stations NAS à être accréditée ISAGO. L'ISAGO est un programme d'audit internationalement reconnu pour l'évaluation des systèmes de gestion et de contrôle de la sécurité des prestataires de services d'assistance en escale. Basé sur des principes d'audit de qualité éprouvés par l'industrie, ISAGO suit un processu
NAS Kuwait Appreciated by Etihad Airways
Kuwait City, Kuwait:
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
NAS Employees Volunteer at the Purpose Uganda Children’s Home
Entebbe, Uganda:
Monday, April 4, 2022
Recommended Cash Offer for John Menzies by Agility
Kuwait City, Kuwait:
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
An Improving Picture Within African Air Freight
Kuwait City, Kuwait:
Sunday, March 27, 2022
L'Autorité Aéroportuaire du Libéria Accorde Une Nouvelle Licence de Manutention au Sol à National Aviation Services (NAS)
Monrovia, Liberia:
Monday, March 21, 2022
L'Autorité Aéroportuaire du Libéria a attribué à National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services aéronautiques à la croissance la plus rapide sur les marchés émergents, un contrat exclusif de gestion de manutention au sol, pour une durée de dix ans. Selon les termes de la coopération, NAS fournira des services complets de manutention au sol à l'Aéroport International Roberts (ROB) au Libéria. Cela comprend la gestion des passagers, les services de la rampe et la gestion des bagages perdus pour toutes les compagnies aériennes opérant à destination et en provenance de l'aéroport. Ces compagnies aériennes comprennent Air France - KLM, Ethiopian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Air Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya Airways, Royal Air Maroc et ASKY. Parlant de cet octroi, Musa Shannon, président du conseil d'administration de LAA, a déclaré: « Au nom du président de la République du Libéria, Son Excellence le Dr. George Manneh Weah, du conseil d'administration, de la direction et du pe
NAS Marks International Women’s Day 2022
Kuwait City, Kuwait:
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
NAS Ivoire Helps Build School Canteen for the Public Primary School in Grand Bassam
Grand Bassam, Cote d'Ivoire:
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
NAS Renews ISO Certifications for Service Management, Information Security Management and Business Continuity Systems
Kuwait City, Kuwait:
Monday, March 7, 2022
NAS Colossal Aviation Services (NCAS) Heralds a new Outlook for Aviation in South Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa:
Thursday, February 17, 2022
New Pearl Lounge Opens at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in Zambia
Lusaka, Zambia:
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
HR Leaders Explain Why They Go Big With Workforce Data Solutions
Monday, February 7, 2022
NAS E-Learning Courses for DGR Received Kuwait DGCA Approval
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
NAS Dar Airco Collaborates with NIT for Aviation and Transport Training
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:
Monday, January 17, 2022
Hassan El-Houry features on H.O.W – Humans of Wharton
Thursday, January 13, 2022
NAS Cote d’Ivoire Renews Commitment to Safety and Quality
Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire:
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
NAS Supports Help Liberia Now with Delivery of Crucial Medical Supplies
Thursday, January 6, 2022
New Year Message from Group CEO, Hassan El-Houry to all Employees
Kuwait City, Kuwait:
Saturday, January 1, 2022
ACK Marketing Students Project Based Learning at National Aviation Services (NAS)
Kuwait City, Kuwait:
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
NAS Partnership with Global Jet Technic to Provide Comprehensive Line Maintenance Services at Dubai and Sharjah Airports
Dubai, UAE:
Monday, November 29, 2021
NAS Wins “Health & Safety Initiative of the Year” Title at Aviation Business Awards 2021
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS) est le premier agent de manutention au sol (GHA) à intégrer le Travel Pass de l'IATA
Prague, Czech Republic:
Thursday, November 18, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services d'aviation à la croissance la plus rapide sur les marchés émergents, est le premier agent de manutention au sol (GHA) au monde à intégrer le Travel Pass de l'Association internationale du transport aérien (IATA). L'IATA a fait cette annonce aujourd'hui, lors de la 33e conférence de l'IATA sur la manutention au sol, à Prague. Le Travel Pass de l'IATA est une application mobile qui aide les passagers à gérer facilement et en toute sécurité leur voyage, conformément aux exigences gouvernementales en matière de tests COVID-19 ou d'informations sur les vaccins. NAS a associé son accréditeur Medical Utility Network (MUNA) au IATA Travel Pass. MUNA, qui repose sur une technologie de chaîne de blocs brevetée, relie des laboratoires audités dans plus de 740 villes du Moyen-Orient, d'Asie, d'Europe et des États-Unis. La plateforme en ligne propose des certificats de tests PCR vérifiés et authentifiés afin de faciliter les pro
National Aviation Services (NAS) Soutient la Diversité des Genres Grâce à l’Initiative IATA « 25by2025 »
Thursday, November 11, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services aéronautiques a la croissance la plus rapide sur les marchés émergents, a signé l’initiative de diversité des genres « 25by2025 » de l’IATA. « 25by2025 » est une initiative volontaire pour l’aviation visant à améliorer la représentation des femmes dans l’industrie. La campagne est une première étape pour rendre l’industrie de l’aviation plus équilibrée entre les genres. Rabah Bou Hamdan, directeur des ressources humaines du Groupe NAS, a déclaré : « Avec des employés de plus de 65 nationalités, la diversité et l’inclusion font partie intégrante de notre culture au sein de l’entreprise. Un lieu de travail diversifie et inclusif accélère la croissance d’une entreprise avec un mélange de cultures, d’idées et de points de vue tout en permettant aux employés de faire de leur mieux. Au cours des dernières années, nous nous sommes efforces
NAS Grabs Three Titles at the Future Workplace Awards 2021
Monday, November 8, 2021
NAS Recognized with “HR Innovation of the Year” Award
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
CNBC Africa Discusses Aviation Recovery with NAS Group CEO Hassan El-Houry
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS) Renforce sa Présence en Afrique Grâce à un Partenariat Stratégique avec Siginon Aviation au Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya:
Thursday, October 21, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur d’aviation à la croissance la plus rapide sur les marchés émergents, a signé un accord de partenariat stratégique avec Siginon Aviation Ltd., compagnie Kenyane, pour acquérir une participation de 51% au sein de Siginon Aviation Ltd. Siginon Aviation, une filiale de Siginon Group Ltd., fournit des services d’assistance en escale et de gestion du fret. Commentant sur ce dernier partenariat, Hassan El-Houry, PDG du groupe NAS, a déclaré : « Pendant la pandémie, nos services de fret sont passés au premier plan en maintenant les chaînes d’approvisionnement cruciales, sans interruption. Avec les besoins de vaccins dans le monde, nous avons également traité près d’un million de doses du vaccin COVID-19 au dans multiples aéroports d’Afrique. Avec cette demande croissante, nous avons élargi notre concentration sur la gestion du fret en Afrique et notre partenariat avec Siginon A
Hassan El-Houry from National Aviation Services (NAS) Receives “Changemaker - Technology” Award from Aviators Africa
Monday, October 18, 2021
NAS Uganda Handles Inaugural Air Arabia Flight at Entebbe International Airport
Entebbe, Uganda :
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
NAS Uganda had the privilege of providing ground handling services to the first Air Arabia flight operations to Entebbe International Airport. Carrying 165 passengers the flight arrived from Air Arabia's hub in Sharjah, UAE. Going forward, NAS Uganda will handle three flights per week for Air Arabia providing passenger services, ground handling, cargo handling and security. Air Arabia is the third carrier from the UAE served by NAS Uganda.
Formerly known as Entebbe Handling Services Limited (ENHAS), NAS Uganda is the largest ground handling services provider at the Entebbe International Airport and is ISAGO certified since 2009.
NAS DRC Kicks Off Operations at Goma International Airport
Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo :
Monday, October 11, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS) in the Democratic Republic of Congo recently kicked off ground handling operations at the Goma International Airport. Part of a new ground-handling license awarded to NAS in DRC last year, the operations in Goma complement NAS DRC’s services at the N’djili International Airport in Kinshasa (FIH) and Luano International Airport in Lubumbashi (FBM). NAS is serving 90 flights per week at Kinshasa, Lubumbashi and Goma international airports. Kenya Airways, DHL, Ethiopian Airlines, Uganda Airlines, FlyCAA, Jambojet, Astral Aviation and Astra Aviation are currently among the airlines handled by NAS at the three airports.
Hassan El-Houry, Group CEO of NAS said, “With the launch of operations in Goma we are now serving three major international airports in DRC. We secured the ground-handling license last year and successfully began operations at all three airports, even as we faced the challenges of a pandemic. As the second largest country in Afr
Global Business Outlook Awards Recognize NAS Human Resources for Excellence in Employee Engagement in the GCC
Kuwait City, Kuwait :
Monday, October 4, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS) Human Resources was recently recognized by the Global Business Outlook Awards for Excellence in Employee Engagement in the GCC. Global Business Outlook Awards seek to recognize and reward excellence in businesses around the world. The awards are designed to facilitate the outstanding work of businesses and business leaders across industries.
With an employee strength of over 8,000, NAS is a people centric organization. More than 65 nationalities work across the NAS network in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia. NAS strives to drive employee engagement with a variety of initiatives under its “Our People, Our Assets” program. This covers job satisfaction, career development, on the job relationships, work environment and culture as well as social responsibility. The objective of this program is to engage employees across the network to give their best, remain committed to the company’s goals and value, motivate them to contribute p
Virtual Reality (VR) in Ground Handling
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Microsoft Highlights NAS Efforts to Power Safe Return to Air Travel
Kuwait City, Kuwait :
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Microsoft in a detailed case study has outlined NAS’s efforts to power a safe return to air travel with Azure, a cloud computing service for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers. NAS Kuwait utilized Azure to pioneer the forward-thinking mobile platform KuwaitMosafer. The platform was developed through, NAS’s airport technology arm, that specializes in the sourcing and development of solutions. Not only does the platform ensure strict COVID-19 testing compliance and identity verification, it also keeps travelers informed of all government requirements. So far, more than eight hundred thousand travelers have taken advantage of the mobile solution for a safe and seamless journey.
Read the entire case study here:
NAS Ivoire Renews RA3 Certification for Air Cargo Operations in Abidjan
Monday, September 27, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS) Ivoire has successfully completed its Regulated Agent third country validation process (RA3) for air cargo operations at the Félix-Houphouët-Boigny International Airport in Abidjan. This is the second time that NAS Ivoire has been RA3 validated. The RA3 certification also known as EU Aviation Security Validated Regulated Agents, is a supply chain security initiative designed by the European Union entitling non-European entities to become third country regulated agents. The certification process ensures EU regulatory compliance for air cargo transportation to EU countries.
This RA3 validation demonstrates that NAS Ivoire is fully compliant with EU air cargo security regulations and standards, which include access control, cargo screenings, external and internal audits, among others. In Abidjan, NAS provides cargo services to 28 airline customers, handling 25,000 tons of cargo annually.
NAS has a presence in over 55 airports
Coup de projecteurs sur NAS dans le reportage CNN sur l’aviation en Afrique
Cote d’Ivoire:
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Le reportage spécial de CNN sur "Connecter l'Afrique" présente notre société NAS et explique comment nous gérons nos opérations aéroportuaires en mettant l'accent sur la qualité, la sûreté et la sécurité. Au cours de la dernière décennie, NAS est passée d'une petite entreprise basée au Koweït à la plus grande société de services aéroportuaires d'Afrique, du Moyen-Orient et d'Asie du Sud, présente dans plus de 55 aéroports.
Notre directeur général pour la Côte d'Ivoire, Cherif Fall, explique comment nous tirons parti de la technologie et de la formation pour gérer notre personnel afin de garantir que les vols partent et arrivent en toute sécurité et à l'heure, à chaque fois.
Saviez-vous que NAS a également manipulé des millions de doses du vaccin Covid dans de nombreux aéroports africains?
Regarde maintenant:
NAS renouvelle sa Certification ISAGO pour la Cinquième Fois
Thursday, August 19, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS), principal fournisseur de services aéroportuaires sur les marchés émergents, a renouvelé avec succès sa certification ISAGO (Safety Audit for Ground Operations) de l'IATA pour la cinquième fois. En 2008, NAS a été l'une des premières sociétés d'assistance en escale à être certifiée ISAGO et, depuis lors, elle s'est constamment conformée aux normes les plus élevées de l'IATA en matière de sécurité des processus et procédures d'exploitation.
La certification ISAGO est la norme mondiale de l'industrie pour évaluer la gestion opérationnelle et le système de contrôle des prestataires de services d'assistance en escale. Basée sur des principes d'audit de qualité éprouvés par l'industrie, ISAGO suit un processus rigoureux et structuré qui examine la formation, les politiques, les processus et les procédures du système de gestion, etc.
À la suite d'un audit de renouvellement réussi à son siège social, NAS a obtenu la certification ISAG
NAS signe un partenariat avec Abbott afin de faciliter les déplacements transfrontaliers
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS), société leader de fourniture de services aéroportuaires a signé un accord de partenariat avec l’entreprise mondiale de soins de santé Abbott, en vue de piloter la mise en œuvre de solutions de test rapide Covid-19 dans les principaux aéroports et Salons (lounges) à travers le continent Africain ainsi que le Moyen-Orient. Ce partenariat vise à aider à rétablir la sécurité des déplacements internationaux ainsi que regagner la confiance des passagers.
Grâce à son réseau mondial, et de son expertise dans l’industrie, NAS va assister les autorités locales pour le déploiement du dispositif de test rapide développé par Abbott ‘’Panbio ™ COVID-19 Ag’’ ainsi que son système de test de soins moléculaires ID NOW™. En effet, ces deux solutions offrent un dépistage rapide du Covid-19, ce qui encourage et facilite des déplacements transfrontaliers plus sûrs. À la suite des conséquences de la pandémie sur l’industrie mondiale de l’aviation, des sol
NAS présente un nouvel assistant RH virtuel - NASsie
Monday, August 2, 2021
Dans le cadre de nos efforts continus de transformation numérique, NAS RH a récemment lancé NASsie, une application mobile qui peut être utilisée par les employés comme un assistant RH pour toutes les questions et demandes liées aux RH. Le chatbot convivial fournit aux employés une interface simple et facile à utiliser pour accéder à la documentation sur les procédures opérationnelles standard, aux politiques, aux processus d'embarquement, aux informations sur les droits du travail, aux mises à jour des actualités de l'entreprise, aux communications internes et aux répertoires des employés. Il aide également à formuler des demandes et à les suivre.
NASsie peut être téléchargée sur les appareils Android et Apple, à tout moment et en tout lieu, et offre une assistance aux employés 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7. L'application est actuellement disponible en anglais et en arabe et prendra bientôt en charge le français, le portugais et le swahili afin de couvrir les diverses
Le Koweït espère relancer l'industrie du voyage grâce à l'application Mosafer
Sunday, July 18, 2021
NAS India soutient les efforts de secours de Covid-19 à Mumbai
Sunday, July 11, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS) Inde a soutenu les efforts de lute contre la Covid-19 en contribuant au Projet Mumbai qui vise à créer une collaboration entre les personnes, le public et les entités privées pour trouver des solutions aux problèmes auxquels sont confrontées les communautés locales.
NAS a soutenu deux initiatives du Project Mumbai, l'une intitulée Breath Mumbai, qui comprenait la fourniture de concentrateurs d'oxygène utilisés dans la ville de Mumbai afin d'aider les personnes défavorisées qui ont besoin d'oxygène dans le cadre de leur traitement Covid-19. La seconde mission, qui concerne les moyens de subsistance, consiste à faire don de produits alimentaires de base aux personnes dans le besoin.
En tant qu'organisation socialement responsable, NAS s'engage à soutenir les communautés locales dont elle fait partie. Cela est devenu encore plus crucial dans le cadre des crises pandémiques actuelles.
Hassan El-Houry a Participé aux Dialogues sur l’Agenda Mondial de l’Année 2021 du Forum Économique Mondial
Monday, June 28, 2021
Hassan El-Houry, PDG du Groupe NAS, s’est adressé aux Dialogues sur l’Agenda Mondial de l’année 2021 du Forum Économique Mondial sur le renforcement de l’équité mondiale et des voyages. Hassan a rejoint un groupe renommé de panélistes, qui comprenait Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Fondatrice et Présidente du Conseil d’Administration, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Centre Présidentiel pour Femmes et Développement, Smriti Zubin Irani, Ministre du Développement de la Femme, de l’Enfant et des Textiles, India, Peter Kern, PDC et Vice-Président du Groupe Expedia, Ebru Özdemir, Président du Conseil d’Administration de Limak Holding et Ajay Singh Président et Directeur General, SpiceJet Ltd.
Le panel entier a fourni des informations sur la manière dont nous pouvons construire une société juste et équitable, et la façon dont nous pouvons reconstruire le s
NAS et COLOSSAL AFRICA finalisent l’acquisition de BidAir Services
Johannesburg, South Africa:
Friday, June 25, 2021
L’acquisition de BidAir Services, la plus grande société d’assistance en escale d’Afrique du Sud, auprès du groupe BidVest a été finalisée le 14 juin 2021. National Aviation Services (NAS), Colossal Africa et un consortium composé des dirigeants actuels de BidAir Services ont annoncé la clôture, suite à la réalisation de toutes les exigences de l’Airports Company of South Africa (ACSA) ainsi que d’autres approbations règlementaires.
Suite à l’acquisition, BidAir Services est devenu NAS Colossal Aviation Services et fait désormais partie du groupe NAS, le groupe au plus grand réseau de services aéroportuaires en Afrique. La société continuera de fournir des services complets d’assistance en escale à neuf aéroports sud-africains et servira 29 compagnies aériennes clientes dans le pays. Cela comprend les trois principaux aéroports i
NAS Remporte un Appel d’Offres pour la Gestion du Salon CIP au sein du Nouveau Terminal en Zambie
Lusaka, Zambia:
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS) et NAC2000 Corporation ont remporté un appel d’offres pour l’exploitation d’un salon CIP d’aéroport dans le nouveau terminal de l’Aéroport International Kenneth Kaunda (KKIA) à Lusaka, en Zambie. L’aéroport est le plus grand aéroport de Zambie et a l’intention de devenir une plaque tournante pour la région. Actuellement, l’aéroport a une capacité de deux millions de passagers par an, qui devrait augment, une fois mis en service, pour atteindre entre 4,2 à six millions sur une période de temps. La mise en service du terminal ultramoderne est prévue vers août de cette année. Les principales compagnies aériennes internationales dont Proflight Zambia, Air Tanzania, RwandAir, SA Airlink, Ethiopian Airlines, Émirats, CemAir et KLM, en partenariat avec Kenya Airways, opèrent à partir de cet aéroport. Le transporteur national, Zambia Airways, une fois opérationnel, volera également depuis cet aéroport. D’a
NAS Lance des Operations d’Assistance au Sol en Guinée-Bissau
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau:
Monday, June 7, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS), le principal fournisseur de services aéroportuaires, a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de ses opérations à l’Aéroport International Osvaldo Vieira en Guinée-Bissau. En septembre 2020, NAS a signé un contrat de 10 ans pour les services complets d’assistance en escale avec le Ministère des Transports et des Communications de Guinée-Bissau. Il s’agit du premier partenariat public-privé en son genre dans le pays entre le gouvernement et une entreprise privée étrangère. Étant le seul aéroport international du pays, Osvaldo Vieira est une plaque tournante pour les exportations de fruits de mer frais et de produits agricoles vers l’Europe, ainsi que pour le tourisme dans le pays. Dans le cadre du contrat, NAS apportera son expertise en matière de services de piste, de passager et d’ingénierie à TAP Portugal, Royal Air Maroc, Air Atlantic, Air Sénégal et Asky, entre autres compagnies aériennes opérant a
NAS Jouera un Rôle Clé au FRE APEX Virtual Expo et au Digital Health Passport Symposium
Thursday, May 20, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS), le principal fournisseur de services aéroportuaires sur les marchés émergents, jouera un rôle clé en tant que sponsor Platine au FTE APEX Virtual Expo et au Digital Health Passport Symposium qui auront lieu les 25 et 26 mai 2021. Le FTE APEX Virtual Expo 2021 est le rassemblement industriel mondial le plus complet de l’année, qui défendra de nouvelles idées, solutions, collaboration et efforts d’innovation audacieux pour assurer la reprise de l’industrie qui rend le transport aérien encore plus solide à long terme. Hassan El-Houry, PDG du groupe NAS, participera à la table ronde intitulée « Symposium sur les Passeports de Santé Numérique – Comment le secteur du voyage fait-il maintenant évoluer rapidement l’adoption des passeports de santé numériques ? » qui rassemble les pionniers et les acteurs clés de cet espace pour discuter des grandes leçons retenues jusqu’à présent et de leur
NAS Jordan Exploitera et Gèrera le Terminal de Fret Aérien d’Aqaba Pour 20 Ans Encore
Aqaba, Jordan:
Monday, May 3, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS), le principal fournisseur de services aéroportuaires sur les marchés émergents, a renouvelé son contrat avec Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC) et Aqaba Airports Company (AAC) pour exploiter et gérer le terminal de fret aérien d’Aqaba (AACT) pour 20 ans supplémentaires. Aqaba, avec son emplacement stratégique et son statut de zone économique spéciale de la Jordanie, est une plaque tournante régionale pour le commerce, le tourisme et la culture. Le terminal de fret aérien, situé dans l’aéroport international de King Hussein, a été la clé des capacités logistiques d’Aqaba depuis sa création en 2004.
En tant que fournisseur exclusif de services de fret, NAS est la force motrice de l’AACT depuis 2006, fournissant des services de classe mondiale, y compris les opérations au sol, la manutention du fret,
NAS et Colossal Africa vont acquérir le plus grand fournisseur de service de manutention au sol d’Afrique du Sud – BidAir Services
Johannesburg, South Africa:
Monday, April 26, 2021
BidAir Services, la plus grande entreprise d’assistance au sol d’Afrique du Sud, va changer de mains. National Aviation Services (NAS), Colossal Africa et un consortium composé des dirigeants actuels de BidAir Services ont signé un accord pour acquérir BidAir Services, parti du groupe Bidvest. La clôture de l’acquisition est subordonnée au respect des exigences de la société Airports Company of South Africa (ACSA) qui gère les aéroports sud-africains ainsi qu’à d’autres approbations réglementaires.
BidAir Services fournit des services de gestion de qualité, notamment la gestion des passagers et des rampes, le contrôle et les opérations de chargement, le nettoyage, les toilettes et l’eau, entre autres services dans neuf aéroports sud-africains. Les aéroports comprennent trois principales passerelles internationales - O.R
Comment NAS a Gardé son Sang-Froid Durant la Pandémie
Friday, April 16, 2021
S’adressant à African Aerospace, Hassan El-Houry, PDG du Groupe NAS, partage le secret de son succès en Afrique, la réponse de l’entreprise à la pandémie, les solutions numériques pour redémarrer les voyages mondiaux ainsi que ses plans pour le future. Lire la suite ici lien.
NAS, World Economic Forum Partner to Share Traveler Vaccine Records
Monday, April 12, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS), the leading airport services company in emerging markets, has partnered with the World Economic Forum to enhance safe air travel by using its KuwaitMosafer platform to share Kuwait’s vaccine records with countries and airlines across the globe.
The partnership will facilitate safer international air travel by using KuwaitMosafer to make vaccine certificates issued by the Kuwait Ministry of Health instantly accessible to airlines, airport authorities and governments via the Forum’s Common Trust Network. The Common Trust Network, launched by the Forum and the Commons Project Foundation, enables the safe, secure sharing of verifiable lab results and vaccination records to advance cross-border travel and commerce.
KuwaitMosafer was developed by NAS.
Hassan El-Houry, Group CEO of NAS, said, “Countries are keen to collaborate with us to revive passenger travel generally and to make it possible for high-spending Kuwa
NAS Launches Ground Handling Operations in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Kinshasa, DRC:
Monday, April 5, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS), the leading aviation services provider in emerging markets, launched operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) this week. Following the award of a new ground-handling license in DRC last November, NAS has collaborated with Congo Handling Services (CHS) to serve flights at Kinshasa, Lubumbashi and Goma international airports in the country.
NAS launched operations at N'djili Airport in Kinshasa serving 76 flights per week out of the airport. The company is currently serving Kenya Airways, DHL, Ethiopian Airlines, Uganda Airlines and FlyCAA with other major carriers to be added shortly. Operations will also kick off at Lubumbashi and Goma International Airports in the near future.
Hassan El-Houry, Group CEO of NAS said, “We are excited to partner with CHS to launch our ground handling operations in Africa’s second largest country. In the midst of a pandemic, we have been successful in securing a new license and launchin
KuwaitMosafer to Verify Kuwait Issued Vaccinations for Passengers Arriving to Kuwait International Airport
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
The Kuwait Council of Ministers has exempted three categories of vaccinated travelers arriving to Kuwait from the mandatory institutional quarantine. This includes those that have received one dose of the vaccine more than 5 weeks before arrival or both doses of the vaccine with the second dose taken more than two weeks before arrival.
Hassan El- Houry, Group CEO of NAS confirmed that the platform is fully ready to assist in the verification of vaccinations issued in Kuwait through its Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate online. Passengers that are exempt from the institutional quarantine in Kuwait can use the Vaccine Certificate feature on KuwaitMosafer for authentication of their vaccine records.
The Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate is on par with global innovations attempting to implement border control policies for safer travel practices. Developed by National Aviation Services (NAS) for the Kuwait Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGCA), Kuw
NAS Developed Digital Solution - MUNA to Facilitate Travel to Kuwait
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Kuwait Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGCA) today announced that the Medical Utility Network Aggregator (MUNA) will audit PCR testing laboratories outside the State of Kuwait for reliability and authentication of certificates. Labs from 16 countries including India, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, the Emirates, Turkey, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, the United Kingdom, France, and the US have been approved in the first stage. Labs in other locations will follow shortly.
MUNA, a patented blockchain technology developed by NAS in coordination with Global Response Aid (GRA) connects audited labs in over 40 cities. This helps assure governments, airlines and airport authorities that negative PCR testing certificates issued in these locations are verified and genuine.
Going forward passengers travelling from countries included in MUNA will need to choose from the list of approved labs to do their PCR tests before depa
This country is restarting air travel. Here’s how
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
The State of Kuwait is using three tech solutions to help facilitate safe travel.
Hassan El-Houry, NAS Group CEO highlights six lessons learnt while implementing these digital solutions in this blog published by the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Read more:
Click here
National Aviation Services (NAS) Endorses Good Health Pass Collaborative: a Global Cross-Sector Initiative to Restore Travel and Restart Economy
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
National Aviation Services (NAS), a leading aviation services provider, has endorsed the Good Health Pass Collaborative recently introduced by ID2020 that includes 25 leading individual companies and organizations in the travel, technology and health sectors.
The Good Health Pass Collaborative is an open, inclusive, cross-sector initiative to create a blueprint for interoperable digital health pass systems that will help restore global travel and restart the global economy.
Hassan El-Houry, Group CEO of NAS commented: "Travel and tourism are undoubtedly the hardest hit sectors by this pandemic. A recovery will require leadership and collaboration by the different players, based on interoperable technologies to ensure the credibility of testing and vaccination records. As the leader in airport services in emerging markets, our blockchain-based digital solution, called MUNA, connects testing labs, vaccine centers, airlines and airports to support a seamless passenger journe
COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate on
Friday, January 15, 2021 developed by National Aviation Services (NAS) under the guidance of the Kuwait Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGCA) to facilitate travel through Kuwait, launched one of the world’s first vaccine passports, the Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate under the auspices of the Kuwait Ministry of Health (MOH). The Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate is linked to the Kuwait MOH vaccine records enabling passengers to view or share them where required. This contactless method will ensure faster processing and hassle free travel for all passengers as well as airport and airline authorities.
It was proudly announced by Kuwait’s Minister of Health, Dr Basel Al Sabah.
Below is a media brief explaining the details.
With travel slowly regaining momentum in the country, local authorities are driving efforts to implement safer practices and protect the well-being of the Kuwaiti population.
- An important part of this is the COVID-1
First Batch of Domestic Workers Arriving through Return to Work
Monday, December 28, 2020
Mansour Al Khezeim, General Manager of National Aviation Services (NAS) announced that 28 Filipino domestic workers that arrived through the platform went back to work today. The Article 20 workers returned to Kuwait from Manila on December 15 and were in quarantine for 14 days. All workers tested negative before leaving the quarantine facility.
During the quarantine period, the workers were comfortably accommodated in four-star facilities including meals, laundry facilities and free Wi-Fi. Another batch of Filipino workers will complete their quarantine period next week.
Al Khezeim mentioned that the 28 Article 20 workers arrived through a first of its kind platform developed by NAS to facilitate return of Article 20 workers from the 34 high-risk countries to Kuwait for the Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGCA) in Kuwait. The platform allows for flight bookings on Kuwait Airways and Jazeera Airways as well as a complete p
NAS Air Cargo Operations in Jordan Receive RA3 Validation
Thursday, December 24, 2020
National Aviation Services (NAS) in Jordan has been successfully completed the Regulated Agent third country validation process (RA3) in Jordan for their air cargo operations at the King Hussein International Airport in Aqaba.
This internationally recognized validation and certification process ensures EU regulatory compliance for air cargo transportation to EU countries. The validation demonstrates that NAS is fully compliant with EU air cargo security regulations and standards, which include access control, cargo screenings, external and internal audits, among others.
NAS Jordan closely follows NAS Ivoire, NAS Uganda, NAS Liberia and NAS Kuwait which have all gone through this process and currently hold valid RA3 validations for their air cargo operations.
Globally, NAS has a presence in over 50 airports, handling seven of the world’s top 10 airlines and operating more than 50 airport lounges across the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
| Facilitates the Return
of Article 20 Workers to Kuwait
Sunday, December 6, 2020
National Aviation Services (NAS) led the development of, a new website to facilitate the return of Article 20 workers from the 34 high-risk countries to Kuwait for the Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGCA) in Kuwait.
The complete package for bringing back each Article 20 worker is only 270 KD including accommodation for 14 days as per the regulations of the Ministry of Health , meals and the three PCR tests. Airline fares will vary according to their location with charter flights being organized in cooperation with Kuwait Airways and Jazeera Airways. Previously, it would cost no less than 1,000 KD to bring a worker back from these countries via transit countries with a 14 day quarantine at both ends.
With sponsors as well as travel agents to book flights for the workers, organize PCR test appointments and view PCR test results via mobile phones, laptops or personal computers.
The passenger can board their flig
NAS Wins Handler-Airline Innovation Award at GHI’s Pride of Ground Handling Awards 2020
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
National Aviation Services (NAS) was a proud recipient of the Handler-Airline Innovation Award at the GHI’s Pride of Ground Handling Awards 2020. The award recognized Kuwait Mosafer, an online platform developed by NAS for the Kuwait Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to ensure safe travels to and from the Kuwait International Airport during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The GHI Pride of Ground Handling Awards is a prestigious award that showcases service excellence, innovation and the people that make it happen.
With the release of Kuwait Mosafer, Kuwait became the first airport in the region to implement a single platform to assist travelers in fulfilling Covid-19 travel requirements ahead of time and reducing queuing at the airport. It facilitates contactless travel to and from Kuwait International Airport with over 100,000 passengers using this COVID-secure tool.
Award judges praised Kuwait Mosafer saying “providing a simple way to navigate through the
National Aviation Services (NAS) Wins New Ground Handling License
in Democratic Republic of Congo
Monday, November 9, 2020
National Aviation Services (NAS), a leading airport services provider has been awarded a new ground handling license - Certificat d’Operateur d’Assistance en Escale (COEA) by the Civil Aviation Authority (Autorité de l’Aviation Civile - AAC) of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Under the terms of the COEA, NAS will offer comprehensive ground and cargo handling services at Kinshasa, Lubumbashi and Goma international airports in DRC.
NAS’s commitment includes significant investments into operations such as ground handling equipment, infrastructure, facilities, technology and human capital.
Hassan El-Houry, Group CEO, NAS said, “We would like to take this opportunity to thank the AAC for awarding this license to NAS. As a part of our commitment, we will not only invest in physical resources and technology but also into the recruitment and training of local talent to offer more employment opportunities and career options for youth in the country.”
Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority (ICAA) Entrusts
National Aviation Services (NAS) with Comprehensive Passenger Handling Services at Baghdad International Airport
Thursday, October 15, 2020
The Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority (ICAA) has entrusted National Aviation Services (NAS), a leading aviation services provider across the Middle East, Africa and South Asia, to upgrade and operate passenger-handling services and processes at the Baghdad International Airport. NAS will extend its expertise and resources at the Babylon and Samara passenger terminals as well as the international transit halls. NAS will also be responsible for the refurbishment and upgrade of infrastructure and facilities, installation of new equipment, and implementation of all required technology solutions at the two terminals.
Hassan El-Houry, Group CEO of NAS said, “We are excited to collaborate with the Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority (ICAA) on upgrading and operating passenger handling services at the Baghdad International Airport. As Baghdad International Airport is the main international gateway for Iraq and the Middle East, this cooperation is key to the development of the Iraqi aviat
Uganda Ministry of Health Collaborates with MHS and NAS
for High Tech, High Volume COVID-19 PCR Testing Laboratory
Kampala, Uganda:
Thursday, October 8, 2020
National economies are hard hit by travel restrictions and closures of airports in response to the COVID 19 crisis. The world is now moving towards easing lock downs, re-opening airports and the re-establishment of air travel to secure economic growth and development. To ensure this is done safely, and to minimize risks to national population the establishment of state of the art, high throughput and quick testing laboratories for COVID-19 becomes essential.
To drive efforts in this sphere and facilitate international travel, Microhaem Scientifics and Medical Supplies Ltd (MHS) and National Aviation Services (NAS) have collaborated with the Uganda Ministry of Health to set up a high tech, high volume COVID-19 PCR laboratory. The Uganda Ministry of Health is leading the way by becoming the first in the Africa to introduce the visionary idea of MUNA to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the country as well as to other countries where infected passengers could be fl
GLS - NAS Receives its First ISAGO Certification
Monrovia, Liberia:
Monday, September 7, 2020
The Global Logistics Services Inc. (GLS) and National Aviation Services (NAS) joint venture company, GLS – NAS, received its first IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) certification, for operations at Roberts International Airport in Monrovia.
The ISAGO certificate is an internationally recognized system for assessing operational management and control systems for ground handling service providers. Based on industry-proven quality audit principles, ISAGO follows a stringent and structured process that reviews training, management system policies, processes and procedures, etc.
This ISAGO certification is a major achievement for GLS – NAS that managed to clear the rigorous audit process for the first time despite being challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Axel Coulibaly, General Manager of GLS NAS highlighted, “GLS NAS is pleased to be awarded its first ISAGO certification. With the Covid-19 pandemic gripping the world and the closure
| Moves Airport Ground Handling and Flight Support Services online
Thursday, August 6, 2020
National Aviation Services (NAS), the leading aviation and airport services provider today introduced a new and revolutionary concept for ground handling and flight support services -
An online platform, is dedicated to booking ground and flight support services for unscheduled ad hoc flights across the Middle East and Africa. With close to two decades of ground handling experience, NAS utilized its expertise to conceive and develop, providing aircraft operators, flight support companies, charter brokers and other aviation service buyers with a single source for all flight related services.
The platform lists ground handling and trip support services online, eliminating the need for multiple emails, SITA as well as WhatsApp messages and endless phone calls. has exclusive handling arrangements with all ground handlers in its network and offers the most competitive rates in the market. Through a pa
Return to Travel Safely with NAS Kuwait
Friday, July 31, 2020
We are all excited for Kuwait International Airport to relaunch flights. As you travel, your safety should be your top priority; as it is ours!
Over the past few months, and under the guidance of the DGCA, the team at National Aviation Services (NAS) has been working hard to implement the highest health safety standards at the airport.
As you travel, you are in safe hands.
Video:Click Here
NAS and IGC Authorized for PCR Testing of Travelers from Kuwait
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
National Aviation Services (NAS) is pleased to announce that all travelers departing from Kuwait can now get PCR testing done through the International German Company (IGC). The exclusive partnership is authorized to test passengers travelling out of Kuwait that require a PCR test certificate. Travelers can book an appointment for testing through the portal.
Mansour Al-Kheziem, General Manager, NAS Kuwait said “NAS had been providing aviation and airport services in Kuwait since 2003. We are pleased to partner with International German Company (IGC), a reputable and Ministry of Health (MOH) authorized organization, to conduct PCR testing for departing passengers in Kuwait. A number of countries require the PCR test certificate on arrival and we have done our best to make the process faster, simpler and smoother for all travelers. Integrating a number of functionalities to facilitate seamless tr
DGCA Introduces Kuwait - Mosafer App for all Travelers
Saturday, July 25, 2020
The Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGCA) in Kuwait has introduced a new web-based application called “Kuwait – Mosafer” ( for the convenience of all travelers departing from and arriving to Kuwait post August 1.
Developed by National Aviation Services (NAS), “Kuwait-Mosafer” will be launched on July 28.
Kuwait will be the first airport in the region to leverage technology to implement a single platform to assist travelers in fulfilling Covid-19 travel requirements ahead of time, thus reducing queuing at the airport as well as other disruptions. Health declarations, guidance and checklists from the Kuwait DGCA, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Interior are all included on the portal.
The app has been developed with three key objectives that include protecting the health of passengers and airport staff by improving awareness and enabling contactless procedures. It assists passengers in fulfilling post COVID-19 travel requirements, which
Remaining Resilient and Adaptable
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
NAS Tanzania Operations ISAGO Certified
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
“National Aviation Services (NAS) has received its first IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) registration in Tanzania for its operations at Dar es Salaam and Kilimanjaro international airports.
The ISAGO registration is an internationally recognized system for assessing the operational management and control systems for ground handling service providers. It is based on industry-proven quality audit principles and follows a stringent and structured process that reviews training, management system policies, processes and procedures, etc.
NAS also received ISAGO registration for its Kuwait operations in 2008 and continues to drive efforts in order to ensure that all its stations are audited.
Faced with the global coronavirus pandemic, when commercial flights were suspended, NAS Dar Airco continued to provide ground handling and cargo services to ensure food and medical supply chains continued uninterrupted. The company recently handled the first Bri
NAS Sponsors Free E-Learning Course on
Monday, June 8, 2020
National Aviation Services (NAS), a leading aviation services provider is sponsoring a free e-learning course titled “COVID-19: Defeating the Crisis and Evolving as a Leader” on the online training platform The course, specially designed for aviation professionals, is the first ground handling industry course to be made public by NAS.
NAS is offering this course completely free for up to 100,000 professionals from the aviation industry. The course is available in English, French and Portuguese.
Comprising of four modules, the course covers an overall awareness of the current pandemic, its effects on the aviation industry, the role of the aviation industry in mitigating its effects and tips on how to deal with the situation. A certificate of completion will be awarded at the end of the training.
Hassan El-Houry, Group CEO of NAS said “We are currently going through unprecede
NAS Donates Rapid Testing Kits to Assist the Ugandan Ministry of Health
Entebbe, Uganda:
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
National Aviation Services (NAS), a leading global aviation services provider, recently donated Rapid Diagnostic Testing (RDT) kits to the Covid-19 National Task Force formed by the Ugandan Ministry of Health.
These IgG/IgM Antibody RDT kits will complement the ongoing serosurvey and other targeted tests to estimate the proportion of the population that have developed immunity against Covid-19. The test gives results within 10-15 minutes either with serum or whole blood specimens.
The 7000 kits were urgently flown into Entebbe International Airport on special arrangement from the company’s head office in Kuwait.
Nouamane Zahouani, General Manager of NAS Uganda managed the handover to Dr. Diana Atwiine, Permanent Secretary, Ugandan Ministry of Health.
Formerly known as Entebbe Handling Services Limited (ENHAS), NAS Uganda is the largest ground handling service provider at the Entebbe International Airport.
Commenting on the donation
Quick off the Mark
Thursday, April 16, 2020
NAS ops teams brave lockdown and curfew to ensure critical supply chains stay open
Friday, April 10, 2020
Ground Handling International (GHI) Magazine highlights how National Aviation Services (NAS) keeps critical supply chains flowing in Africa.
NAS “Kuwaiti Future Leaders” Program Prepares Local Youth
for Local and Global Aviation Industry
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
National Aviation Services (NAS), the leading aviation services provider recently introduced its “Kuwaiti Future Leaders” (KFL) program under the guidance of the Kuwait Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGCA). KFL is a career development program, where 16 Kuwaiti graduates hired by the company will receive six months of intensive training to prepare them for different leadership roles in the aviation industry.
Mansour Al-Khezeim, General Manager, NAS Kuwait said, “NAS is currently present in over 17 countries and 45 airports, providing a range of aviation and airport services. While we may have expanded our geographic footprint across the Middle East, Asia and Africa, we continue to be rooted in Kuwait. As a Kuwaiti company, we believe it is our duty to give back to the local communities and the Kuwait Future Leaders program is one of our many initiatives targeted towards supporting the Kuwait DGCA and the vision of His Highness the Amir through the Kuwait National D
We are witnessing a paradigm shift in Africa’s aviation sector
Davos, Switzerland:
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Hassan El-Houry, NAS Group CEO, gives his views on the state of the aviation industry in Africa and outlines the company’s plans for growth on the continent in African Business Magazine’s special report marking the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos. Download the report.
NAS lance les services Pearl Assist à l'aéroport international de Kaboul
Kabul, Afghanistan:
Monday, December 16, 2019
Après l'ouverture récente du Pearl Lounge, National Aviation Services (NAS) offre désormais Pearl Assist, des services de rencontre et d'assistance à l'aéroport international de Kaboul en Afghanistan.
Les services Pearl Assist assistent les voyageurs à éviter les longues files d'attente en assurant un suivi rapide de leurs formalités de départ ou d'arrivée, accompagnés d'un agent dédié. Cela comprend l'enregistrement prioritaire, le portage, les formalités d'immigration, les formalités d'embarquement, le dédouanement, la collecte des bagages et la livraison des bagages au départ ou à l'arrivée.
Mazen Qursha, Directeur Général de NAS Afghanistan, a souligné: «Chez NAS, nous fournissons des services premium qui facilitent les déplacements des passagers au départ, à l'arrivée et durant le transit. Après un long vol, la dernière chose dont les passagers ont besoin c’est d'être coincé dans les files d'attente à l'aéroport, donc être accueilli chaleureusement et effectu
NAS ouvre de nouveaux salons Pearl à l'aéroport international de Kannur
Kannur, Kerala:
Thursday, December 12, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services aériens affichant le plus haut taux de croissance sur les marchés émergents, a inauguré deux nouveaux salons Pearl à l'aéroport international de Kannur au Kerala, en Inde, sous le patronage de l'honorable ministre en chef du Kerala, Pinarayi Vijayan.
Le premier salon, d'une superficie de 347 mètres carrés, situé dans le terminal des départs internationaux, peut accueillir jusqu’à 91 passagers. Le second salon, d'une superficie de 208 mètres carrés, situé dans le terminal domestique, peut accueillir jusqu’à 55 passagers.
Les salons Pearl offrent aux passagers un espace de détente confortable, des moyens de se tenir au courant des dernières nouvelles, la possibilité de surfer sur Internet ou de combler le travail de dernière minute. Une sélection de plats chauds et froids ainsi que des boissons offrent un large choix de rafraîchissements. Des douches et zones de repassage sont également disponibles pour to
NAS Afghanistan renouvelle la certification ISAGO
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services aériens affichant le plus haut taux de croissance sur les marchés émergents, a renouvelé sa certification IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) à Kaboul pour la deuxième année consécutive.
ISAGO est un système internationalement reconnu pour évaluer les systèmes de gestion et de contrôle opérationnels des prestataires de services d'assistance en escale. Il est basé sur des principes d'audit de qualité éprouvés par l'industrie et suit un processus rigoureux et structuré qui examine la formation, les politiques, et procédures, etc.
NAS a également été parmi les premiers prestataires d'assistance en escale au monde à recevoir une certification ISAGO pour son opération au Koweït en 2008 et continue de déployer des efforts pour garantir la certification de toutes ses stations.
En Afghanistan, NAS s'associe à Ariana Afghan Airlines pour former la coentreprise Ariana-NAS. Ariana - NAS, le g
L'Office du tourisme de Tanzanie et National Aviation Services (NAS) forgent un partenariat pour promouvoir le tourisme en Tanzanie
Dar es Salam:
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services aériens affichant le plus haut taux de croissance sur les marchés émergents, a signé un protocole d'accord de deux ans avec le Tanzania Tourism Board (TTB) pour promouvoir les attractions touristiques tanzaniennes à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du pays. La cérémonie de signature a eu lieu à l'Aéroport International Julius Nyerere de Dar es Salaam, sous l’office du Dr Hamisi Kigwangalla, ministre des Ressources naturelles et du Tourisme en Tanzanie, avec le juge Thomas Mihayo, président du TTB et le professeur Costa Mahalu, directeur du conseil d'administration de NAS Africa.
S'exprimant lors de l'événement inaugural, le Dr Kigwangalla a félicité l'Office du tourisme de Tanzanie pour l'initiative promotionnelle qui jouera un rôle important dans les efforts visant à pénétrer les marchés touristiques potentiels en Asie et au Moyen-Orient. «Je suis ravi que vous ayez saisi cette rare opportunité de collaborer avec NAS
National Aviation Services (NAS) lance un nouveau salon Pearl Lounge et un service Hala Kuwait à l'aéroport international de Koweït
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS), le plus grand exploitant de salons au Moyen-Orient, a ouvert les portes du salon Pearl récemment rénové et lancé le nouveau service d’accueil et d'assistance Hala Kuwait au terminal 1 (T1) de l'Aéroport International de Koweït.
L'ouverture officielle a eu lieu sous le patronage de Son Excellence Sheikh Salman Al-Hamoud Al-Sabah, président de la Direction générale de l'aviation civile (DGCA) et sous la direction de l'Ing. Emad Faleh Al Juluwi, directeur général adjoint pour la sécurité aérienne et les affaires du transport aérien de la DGCA, Adel Malallah, directeur des relations gouvernementales, Mansour Al-Khezeim, directeur général et Maha Al-Musallam, directeur d’expérience client de NAS Koweït.
Le salon Pearl est opérationnel depuis 2004 et reste à ce jour l'un des salons les plus populaires de l'Aéroport International du Koweït. Le salon rénové porte un look contemporain et présente de nouvelles fonctionnalités uniques au sei
NAS Wins Ramp Safety Award at
GHI’s Pride of Ground Handling Awards 2019
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing aviation services provider in the emerging markets was proud to be receive the Ramp Safety Award 2019 at GHI’s Pride of Ground Handling Awards 2019. The award recognized Mutungi Amos Muhoozi, Ground Safety Equipment Operator at NAS Uganda for his efforts in averting a major disaster on the ramp.
With quick thinking and swift action coming from experience and training, Amos helped put out a fire that had erupted near an aircraft carrying precious cargo. If the fire was not put out in time, it would have injured or killed people in and around the area as well as led to major financial losses.
The GHI Pride of Ground Handling Awards is a prestigious award that showcases service excellence, innovation and the people that make it happen.
Cisse Abdoulaye, Group Chief Operating Officer, Ground Handling and Cargo Management, appreciated Amos’s efforts saying, “We are extremely pleased that Amos was recognized at t
Abu Dhabi Airports attribue un contrat pour le développement d'un salon au Midfield Terminal au NAS et à l'aéroport Dimensions
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates:
Monday, November 25, 2019
Abu Dhabi Airports a attribué le contrat de construction et de gestion du salon du Midfield Terminal à une coentreprise entre National Aviation Services (NAS) et Airport Dimensions, qui combine l'expérience opérationnelle régionale de NAS et l'expertise d'Airport Dimensions dans la gestion des besoins des passagers dans les aéroports internationaux.
S'étendant sur plus de 3 500 mètres carrés, le nouveau salon permettra aux clients de profiter de services de salon haut de gamme, conformément à l'hospitalité arabe réputée des aéroports d'Abu Dhabi, et d’offrir une expérience de voyage fluide et confortable.
Le salon sera situé au cœur du nouveau Midfield Terminal, offrant un accès aux voyageurs indépendants, quelle que soit la compagnie aérienne avec laquelle ils voyagent ou la classe de leur billet. Il est accessible aux passagers qui partent ou transitent par l'Aéroport International d'Abu Dhabi, formant une partie importante des installations de classe mondiale d
Le terminal VIP d'Abu Dhabi reçoit un certificat ISO pour la gestion de la sécurité alimentaire
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates:
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Le terminal VIP de l'aéroport international d'Abu Dhabi (AUH), exploité par National Aviation Services (NAS), a reçu le prestigieux certificat 22000-2005 de l'Organisation Internationale de Normalisation (ISO) pour ses systèmes de gestion de la sécurité alimentaire.
Le terminal VIP offre aux clients une restauration exceptionnelle, dans le cadre d'une variété d'autres services qui jouent un rôle majeur dans l'amélioration de l'expérience de voyage pour les passagers d'AUH. Cela comprend non seulement la fourniture d'options alimentaires fraîches et savoureuses, mais également la garantie d’'hygiène, de qualité et de sécurité avec des processus rigoureux et des audits réguliers.
L'expérience VIP entière comprend un espace pratique, efficace et luxueux avant ou après un vol.
Commentant sur cette réalisation, le Directeur Général des Aéroports d'Abu Dhabi, Bryan Thompson, a déclaré: «Nous sommes ravis de recevoir le certificat ISO 22000 pour notre terminal
NAS Kuwait Awarded Newly Introduced Aviation Ground Handling Services Operator Certificate from DGCA
Sunday, November 17, 2019
National Aviation Service (NAS) has been awarded the Aviation Ground Handling Services Operator Certificate by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) in Kuwait. Mansour Al Khezeim, General Manager of NAS Kuwait received the certification on behalf of the company.
A new license introduced by the DGCA, it aims to regulate civil aviation activities in the country and certifies that NAS is able to provide ground handling services at the Kuwait International Airport. It is the first of its kind in the region. This certificate is now, also a regulatory requirement along with the IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA).
This certificate, valid for two years was awarded to NAS following an extensive audit performed by the DGCA, the Civil Aviation Security Department (CASeD) and the Aviation Security Department (ASD).
NAS has been providing ground handling services in Kuwait since 2003 and serves over 30 airlines in the country.
Exclusive Pearl Lounge Opened at
Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing aviation services provider in the emerging markets, launched its new, exclusive Pearl Lounge at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. The 144 square meter departure lounge is the first of its kind in Afghanistan, catering to local and international travelers looking to unwind before a flight.
Located in the departures hall, after immigration, the Pearl Lounge provides passengers with a comfortable space to relax, read a newspaper, watch TV, surf the internet or just catch up on last minute work with the high-speed Wi-fi connection. A hot and cold food selection as well as beverages complement the leisure offering at the lounge. Barista style hot drinks served as you relax will add to relaxing ambience. A flight information screen and vigilant staff ensures that passengers are not delayed for their flights.
Mazen Qursha, General Manager, NAS Afghanistan said, “We are pleased to be the
National Aviation Services (NAS) Recognized for Technology Initiatives
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS) was recognized by at the prestigious Future Enterprise Awards 2019 during the Gitex Technology Week. NAS was nominated in four categories, including CIO of the Year, Best Technology Implementation in Logistics and Digital Transformation Vendor of the Year and an award for Best Technology Implementation in E-Commerce. Rami Al Haddad, Chief Information Officer at NAS received the award. is the definitive platform in the Middle East which brings together business leaders and technology decision makers to share stories of innovation and transformation with the Future Enterprise Awards designed to recognize corporations and government departments across industry sectors that are truly transformative and innovative.
NAS has embraced technology as a driver for digital change by committing significant resources towards the development and roll-out of innovative solutions to further advance the company’
NAS Uganda Visits Purpose Uganda Babies Home
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS) employees in Uganda visited the Purpose Uganda Babies Home to mark the International Day of Charity.
The Purpose Uganda Babies Home is a non-profit organization that provide a temporary space for neglected and abandoned babies. The home currently nurtures babies and children between the ages of 4 day and 6 years. The team not only spent time with the children but also donated blankets, foodstuff, clothing and paints to make them feel more comfortable.
The organization organizes international adoptions, fostering and resettlement of children to give them a better and more stable future.
A part of NAS’s corporate social responsibility initiative, this activity was aimed at giving back to the local communities that the company operates in.
NAS Uganda Renews ISAGO Certification
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing aviation services provider in the emerging markets, has renewed its IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) in Uganda. This certification demonstrates the company’s commitment to safety and security in its operations.
ISAGO is an internationally-recognized system for assessing the operational management and control systems for ground handling service providers. It is based on industry-proven quality audit principles and follows a stringent and structured process that reviews training, policies, procedures, etc.
NAS was also among the first ground handling providers in the world to receive an ISAGO certification for its Kuwait operation in 2008 which has since then been renewed five times and continues to drive efforts to ensure that all its stations are certified.
Through its operations at the Entebbe International Airport, NAS Uganda, formerly Entebbe Handling Services Limited (ENHAS) serv
#L'initiative VisaFreeAfrica Annonce Les Lauréats Du Concours 55 Voices For Africa
Kigali, Rwanda:
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Avec plus de 185 inscriptions de plus de 33 pays, Shareefa Youshna Jewan de l'île Maurice a décroché le prix du concours de rédaction 55 Voices for Africa (55Voices4Africa) organisé par l'initiative #VisaFreeAfrica (VFA). Elle est talonnée par Priscilla Takondwa Semphere et Olewuenyi Chioma Catherine en première et deuxième dauphines.
Le concours 55Voices4Africa a invité des jeunes de toute l'Afrique à partager leurs expériences sur les défis auxquels sont confrontés les voyages intra-continentaux. Les soumissions ont été reçues en anglais, français, portugais et arabe.
Sur les 55 pays d'Afrique, seuls 11 autorisent actuellement tous les ressortissants africains à voyager librement sans visa. La circulation est un problème majeur en Afrique, où il existe des milliers d'histoires inédites d'opportunités gâchées par la réglementation en matière de visas. Ce concours de rédaction visait à faire connaître le visage de nombreux jeunes Africains qui en ont fait l'ex
NAS Ivoire Helps Facilitate Education in Abidjan
Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire:
Thursday, August 22, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS) the fastest growing aviation services provider in the emerging markets recently help set up a multimedia room and provided scholarships to students at a school in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. The donation to the primary school in the Port Bouet Primary Education Inspectorate, included 10 computers, furniture and educational funding for four deserving students.
This helps students build a strong technology focused knowledge base and skill set to help them compete in today’s modernized world.
In 2018, NAS also donated 1,000 solar powered backpacks to help students in rural areas study after dark in the absence of adequate electricity. The backpacks are equipped with a solar powered battery that powers an LED lamp. Introducing these backpacks helped improve the academic performance of students in these schools and encourages them to study further.
By helping facilitate education in the country, NAS aims to give back to
NAS Concludes Second Annual Summer Internship Program for LOYAC Students
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
NAS Uganda Joins Hands with Entebbe Municipal Council to Plant Trees
Monday, July 29, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS) in Uganda joined hands with the Entebbe Municipal Council to mark World Environment Day under the theme of air pollution. Management and employees got together to plant trees outside the Infectious Diseases hospital in Entebbe. Teams from the Municipal Council led by the Deputy Mayor Ssekyondo Richard and the Health Inspector Mulumba Paul representing the Environment Officer alongside a team from the Entebbe Regional Referral Hospital – National Isolation Unit for Infectious Diseases led by the Medical Director Dr. Muwanga Moses and Senior Hospital Administrator Mpanga Moses also joined the tree planting activity.
A total of 120 trees were planted by the group that included over 40 individuals. As the trees grow, they will act as natural filters removing dust and other pollutants from the surrounding areas, making the air fresher and cleaner. They will also provide shade and help reduce the heat in the vicinity. Some fruit bearing trees will
NAS Acquires New Ground Handling License in Nigeria
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS) has acquired a new license for aviation services in Nigeria. The license allows NAS to provide comprehensive passenger, ramp and cargo handling, lounge management as well as meet and assist services in the country. The company will be operating in the cities of Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt and Kano.
Nigeria’s estimated population stands of 200 million with a GDP of $376.284 billion, the highest in Africa. Both these factors make the country a strong addition to NAS’s African presence and international network.
Five out of 31 airports in Nigeria operate international flights and the country has 21 domestic airline operators. The aviation industry is completely deregulated with 100% private sector participation.
NAS will kick off its operations in Nigeria with the construction of a new lounge in Abuja expected to begin in the coming weeks.
Present in over 40 airports across the Middle East, Asia and Africa, NAS
NAS Second Summer Internship Program with LOYAC Kuwait Benefits 56 Students
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS) has partnered with LOYAC, a nonprofit organization working towards the overall development of the youth in Kuwait, for the second year in a row. The partnership involves 56 students from LOYAC participating in an internship program organized by the NAS Human Resources team at the Kuwait International and Sheikh Saad Terminal during the summer vacations.
The LOYAC students from local universities and colleges are embedded with NAS in airport terminals, cargo, security, procurement and training departments for a period of one month to learn about different career opportunities in the aviation sector. The internship program also equips these students with job skills and training that will help them in future careers.
A NAS corporate social responsibility initiative, the internship program is aimed at contributing to educational development of youth in Kuwait and offering them wider career options in the aviation industry.
NAS DAR AIRCO Partners with Kilolo District Council for Community Welfare Initiative
Dar es Salam, Tanzania:
Friday, July 12, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing aviation services provider in the emerging markets, through its joint venture in Tanzania, has partnered with the Kilolo District Council, to support community welfare initiatives in the district. Through this partnership, NAS Dar Airco will contribute to health, education and tourism promotion to benefit the local population.
The agreement was signed by Miguel Serra, General Manager NAS DAR Airco, and Aloyce Kwezi, Kilolo District Council’s Executive Director.
The first initiative launched recently included the construction of staff housing for the $2 million Kilolo District Hospital that is currently in the final stages of completion. The hospital is one of its kind and aims to provide upgraded healthcare and skilled medical professionals.
NAS will support the construction of the housing complex with a contribution of $22,000. This complex will accommodate doctors, nurses and other general staf
NAS HR Awarded ISO 30409:2016 Certification for Human Resources Management – Workforce Planning
Thursday, June 20, 2019
The National Aviation Services (NAS), Human Resources department was awarded the ISO 30409:2016 certification for Human Resources Management – Workforce Planning recently.
This ISO certification demonstrates that NAS’s processes and procedures for workforce planning are on par with the highest international standards. This includes a credible framework for effective workforce planning to respond more effectively to current and projected demands of the labor market, the dynamic international business environment and it’s increasing complexity.
NAS currently employs over 8,000 individuals of 65 nationalities across its network in 17 countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, and truly believes that people are the core of its business. By continually driving efforts to enhance its workforce planning processes and procedures, the company ensures that employees work on schedules that are fair and optimal.
The ISO 30409:2016 Certification jo
NAS Morocco Employees Visit Elderly at Old Age Home in Casablanca
Casablanca, Morocco:
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS) employees in Morocco visited the Maison de retraite Ain Chock old age home in Casablanca to share a Ramadan Iftaar meal and entertain its 45 elderly residents and caretakers.
Employees spent time exchanging interesting anecdotes and stories with the residents, who were extremely pleased to have company and share their stories.
This initiative by NAS was aimed at highlighting the importance of giving back to the local communities as part of its social responsibility program.
Under the Pearl Lounge brand, NAS operates 16 lounges across 9 airports in Morocco.
Empowering Kuwaiti Women through Career Development
Thursday, May 16, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS) Kuwait recently participated in a career development program aimed at empowering young Kuwaiti women. Run by Amideast and sponsored by Boeing, the training comprised of business etiquette, presentation skills and public speaking, leadership for women, fostering innovation and emotional intelligence.
Sheikha Abdulla Alazmi, Noor Al Yaqoub and Majdah Al Yaqoub, three promising young Kuwaiti women from NAS Kuwait attended the program that helped improve their professional skills, enhance their job performance, and increase their future career development goals.
NAS believes that people are at the core of its business and ensures regular career development initiatives to continuously motivate and encourage its employees.
NAS and LAM Joint Venture to Operate Airport Lounges across Mozambique
Maputo, Mozambique:
Monday, May 13, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing aviation services provider in emerging markets, has announced a joint venture agreement (JV) with LAM - Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique, the Mozambique flag carrier, to provide management services of the Flamingo lounges in Mozambique.
The NAS - LAM JV will design, re-build and operate a total of six airport lounges in Maputo, Nampula, Tete, Pemba and Beira under the Flamingo Lounges brand. New lounges will also be added at other airports in the country in the near future.
João Carlos Pó Jorge, LAM’s General Manager said:. By joining hands with such a professional and highly qualified partner, we will be offering more comprehensive, inclusive and diversified services with the ‘Mozambicanity” that we intend to offer all airline passengers preparing to board in our company or another of their choice, with wishes to benefit from this service.”
The first phase of implementation of the agreement inclu
NAS HR Team Certified by Korn Ferry Training on Job Evaluation
Sunday, May 12, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS) recently collaborated with Korn Ferry, a global organizational consulting firm, to provide training in job evaluation methodology to our Human Resources leadership from across the NAS global network.
The ‘Korn Ferry Hay Guide Chart - Profile Method’ for job evaluation enables HR leads to provide a consistent and objective framework to analyze organizational structures, evaluate jobs, define career progressions, develop compensation and reward programs at par with the international standards.
With this training, our HR leads can now identify the real value of work, while putting the right people in the right roles - and paying them the right amounts. This methodology will also bring more clarity, objectivity and consistency enabling us to accurately compare against other job designs in the market and create data-supported reward systems, all of which benefit our employees in the long run.
At NAS we strongly focus
27 Interns Graduate from NAS Dar Airco Internship Program
Tanzania :
Thursday, May 9, 2019
National Aviation Services in Tanzania (NAS Dar Airco) has successfully completed the second “May I Help You” Internship Program which was initiated under the leadership of Miguel Serra, General Manager of NAS in Tanzania. This program is aimed at training Tanzanian youth for alternative careers in aviation to help fill the employment gap in the country.
“May I Help You” is an internship program that allows undergraduate or graduate students in the country express the different career opportunities in the aviation sector which include Meet and Assist Services, Passenger Handling and Ramp Services first-hand. The students are put into different roles at the airport and work closely with NAS teams on the job.
The three month program introduced the interns to different roles within the passenger services department at NAS Tanzania. During their tenure they were trained on all the key processes that included check-in, boarding and guiding the passengers. All parti
Etihad Airways distingue NAS Koweït pour la qualité de ses services
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services aériens affichant le plus haut taux de croissance sur les marchés émergents, a été hautement distingué par Etihad Airways pour son excellence en matière de services d'escale et de qualité de service dans ses opérations au Koweït. NAS Kuwait fournit des services d'escale à Etihad Airways depuis 13 ans et gère 150 vols par mois.
Le certificat a été remis par Dani Abu Ouli, responsable de la station d'Etihad Airways, à Wissem Bousette, directeur des services de piste de NAS Kuwait.
NAS Kuwait est le principal opérateur d'assistance au sol dans le pays, effectuant 100 vols par jour.
Présent dans plus de 40 aéroports du Moyen-Orient, d’Asie et d’Afrique, NAS fournit des services d’assistance en escale à 7 des 10 plus grandes compagnies aériennes du monde et affiche une performance ponctuelle moyenne de 98%. La société est certifiée ISAGO, ISO, OHSAS et RA3 et a démontré son expertise dans le
National Aviation Services (NAS) Launches New Pearl Lounge at Jazeera Terminal (T5)
Monday, May 6, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing aviation services provider in the emerging markets, today launched its new Pearl Lounge at the Jazeera Terminal (T5). The 110 square meter departure lounge currently caters to all business class passengers flying Jazeera Airways.
Based on NAS's award winning lounge concept, the new T5 Pearl Lounge offers departing passengers a relaxed environment to unwind before their flight. The lounge provides hot and cold menu options, a smoking room and hospitality facilities to ensure their ultimate comfort. Free Wi-Fi live streaming TV channels and a selection of reading material ensures a wide array of entertainment options. Business counter facilities also help passengers to catch up on any last-minute work.
Mansour Al Kheziem, General Manager of NAS Kuwait said “NAS has been working with Jazeera Airways for the last 14 years and we are extremely pleased to offer the airline our best in class lounge services at T
NAS Uganda Launches Eco-friendly Vehicles at Entebbe International Airport
Uganda :
Thursday, April 18, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS) Uganda, formerly Entebbe Handling Services Limited (ENHAS), a signatory of the UN Global Compact, has joined the Civil Aviation Authority’s efforts to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by introducing electric forklifts and tractors into its operations in the country.
The 12 electric vehicles were launched by Eng. Ayub SOOMA, Director of Airports of the Civil Aviation Authority in Uganda.
The new electric vehicles replace traditional diesel-fueled equipment for baggage and cargo handling around the aircrafts ensuring a quieter and cleaner working environment in the baggage sorting area. This is a big step towards the airports goal to reduce carbon emissions during aircraft turnarounds.
Philippe Lacroix, General Manager of NAS Uganda said “We are proud to launch our fleet of electric vehicles to help the airport and to help Uganda go green. We intend to invest into other electric and sol
NAS to Launch Ground Handling and Cargo Services in Mozambique
Maputo, Mozambique:
Monday, April 8, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing aviation services provider in the emerging markets will offer comprehensive ground handling and cargo services in Mozambique beginning July 2019. This covers ramp, passenger and engineering services and include check-in, boarding, ramp handling, maintenance, cleaning as well as import and export cargo handling and storage, for scheduled as well as adhoc airlines at all airports in Mozambique.
Hassan El Houry, Group CEO of NAS said, “Airline traffic is growing steadily in Mozambique. Coupled with the developing oil and gas, and mining sectors, there is a huge demand for air transport related goods and services for both cargo and passenger operations. This requires heavy investment in the latest equipment, technologies and processes at the different airports in Mozambique, all of which NAS can provide easily. We look forward to utilizing our global experience and expertise to modernize operations and drive efficiency using
GLS NAS inaugure les premières installations de son terminal de fret à l'Aéroport International Roberts
Monrovia, Liberia:
Thursday, April 4, 2019
GLS-NAS, la joint-venture entre Global Logistics Services Inc. (GLS) et National Aviation Services (NAS), a entamé à Monrovia les travaux de construction d’un nouveau terminal de fret de 2 700 m2 à l’Aéroport International Roberts (RIA). Le Centre de fret aérien Roberts (RACC) vise à améliorer les opérations de fret aérien de RIA afin de se conformer aux normes internationales et de développer la capacité d’exportation du Libéria.
À l’heure actuelle, la taille de l’installation répond à une demande de base prévue de 14 ans et peut encore être étendue jusqu'à 3 553 mètres carrés. Sa construction devrait être achevée en avril 2020.
Peter Malcolm King, président de GLS-NAS, a déclaré: «nous sommes ravis de lancer la construction de notre nouveau et moderne terminal cargo de l'Aéroport International Roberts. Le centre de fret aérien Roberts sera le premier en son genre au Libéria et fournira une infrastructure indispensable à l’amélioration des opérations de la ch
NAS Partners with Wanzl and to
Enhance Passenger Experience
PTE, London, UK:
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing aviation services provider in the emerging markets recently partnered with Wanzl and to launch state-of-the-art electronic gates (E-gates) at its Pearl Lounge in the Marrakech Menara Airport departures area. This is the first of its kind solution across Africa.
With this new technology the company facilitates self-service check in for passengers visiting the Pearl Lounge. This helps them access the lounge faster without having to visit the reception desk or wait in a queue. The passenger simply scans their printed or online boarding pass at the gate and enters the lounge.
The E-gate effectively captures all boarding pass data, checks eligibility, enters the transaction into a database for billing and reporting, and opens the gate for eligible passengers - all in less than 2 seconds.
The E-gate also supports lounge membership cards and vouchers.
The same technology will
NAS Uganda reconnu comme l'une des écoles de formation accréditées les plus performantes par l'IATA
Entebbe, Uganda:
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
L’Association du transport aérien international (IATA) a reconnu Entebbe Handling Services Limited, devenue NAS Uganda, comme l’École de formation la plus performante accréditée par l’ITA (ATS) en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient pour 2019.
Cette reconnaissance distingue l’organisation comme un centre d’excellence de formation par l’obtention de résultats impressionnants, le professionnalisme dans la prestation des programmes de formation IATA et l’engagement constant pour le succès de ses étudiants.
L'école a formé 477 personnes en 2018, avec une croissance annuelle de 24 étudiants pour le DGR. Ces deux succès ont valu à l'école cette reconnaissance.
L'école de formation propose toute une gamme de formations à l'industrie aéronautique à l'intention des employés de NAS et des clients externes de l'aviation locale et internationale. En formant ces personnes, NAS contribue à l’application des normes internationales au secteur de l’aviation ougandaise.
NAS Kuwait Completes the Leadership Development Program for 2019
Monday, March 25, 2019
Kuwait – March 25: National Aviation Services (NAS) Kuwait completed its annual Leadership Development Program (LDP) for supervisors and managers.
107 employees attended the workshops designed to empower them with key leadership and management skills as a part of the NAS career development program.
The training, divided into two segments for managers and supervisors, included effective communication skills, setting priorities to boost efficiency and performance, building successful teams and improving business relationships.
L'initiative #VisaFreeAfrica lance le « 55 Voices for Visa Free Africa » concours de rédactionavec des prix allant jusqu'à 1.500 USD et la possibilité de publier votre article.
Kigali, Rwanda,:
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
#VisaFreeAfrica (VFA) a récemment lancé le 55 voices for a Visa Free Africa concours de rédaction, invitant tous les jeunes africains à partager leurs récits sur les défis auxquels ils ont été confrontés lors de voyages intracontinentaux.
VFA est une campagne mondiale visant à faciliter la mobilité en Afrique, pilotée par les « Kigali Global Shapers » et en partenariat avec National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services d’aviation avec une expansion la plus rapide dans les marchés émergents.
Kigali Global Shapers, est une communauté dont la vision est de créer une plateforme qui encourage les jeunes à inspirer l’innovation et le changement, a lancé le concours de rédaction aux fins de sensibiliser davantage à l’importance de parvenir à une Afrique avec visa gratuit. Cette campagne contribuera à mettre en valeur un grand nombre de jeunes Africains, ayant manqués des opp
NAS récompensé lors de la 5ème cérémonie annuelle des CIO Awards
Dubai, UAE:
Thursday, February 28, 2019
NAS a été reconnu innovateur lors de la cinquième édition du CIO 100 Awards and Forum organisé par le CNME de Dubaï, aux Émirats arabes unis. Rami Al-Haddad, directeur des systèmes d'information du groupe NAS, a reçu pour le compte de la société le prix annuel récompensant 100 sociétés et leur équipe.
Les CIO 100 Awards sont décernés aux entreprises qui utilisent l'informatique de manière innovante comme une valeur ajoutée à leur entreprise, que ce soit en créant un avantage concurrentiel, en optimisant les processus métier, en permettant la croissance ou en améliorant les relations avec les clients. NAS a reçu ce prix pour l’utilisation active des logiciels d’analyse de données et de business intelligence.
NAS a toujours reconnu la technologie comme un moteur du changement numérique en engageant des ressources importantes dans le développement et l’amplification de solutions innovantes afin de faire progresser davantage la croissance et le succès de la sociét
NAS et ONDA inaugurent de nouveaux salons (lounge) Pearl dans plusieurs aéroports du Maroc, le Jeudi 21 février 2019.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services aériens affichant le plus haut taux de croissance sur les marchés émergents, a récemment ouvert 3 nouveaux salons Pearl Lounges dans les aéroports de Casablanca, Dakhla et Laayoun. Cela fait partie d'une concession de 10 ans attribuée à NAS par l'autorité des aéroports marocains (ONDA) pour la rénovation et l'exploitation de 16 salons répartis sur 9 aéroports au Maroc.
Le salon Pearl de Dakhla, situé aux Départs, a été entièrement rénové et offre un espace de détente à tous les voyageurs d’affaires ou de loisirs. Opérationnel depuis le 1er février, le salon comprend des sièges confortables, une variété de collations, un accès Wi-Fi et des aménagements de divertissement.
Le salon Pearl de Laayoun, également situé aux Départs, a été rénové selon les normes internationales, ce qui permet aux passagers de se détendre avant leur vol.
L'ouverture de ces deux salons survient tout de suite après
NAS Dar Airco s'engage à fournir des services aériens de qualité
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
En 2018, NAS Dar Airco a traité 7 000 vols, 467 000 bagages, 700 tonnes de transport et 515 000 passagers avec une ponctualité évaluée à 98,9%, tout en continuant de respecter son engagement auprès des autorités aéroportuaires tanzaniennes dans ses trois sites, à savoir Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro et Dodoma.
Cliquez ici
Here’s how to make Africa’s aviation industry soar
Thursday, January 10, 2019
According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Africa is set to become one of the fastest growing aviation regions in the next 20 years with an annual expansion of nearly 5%.
Hassan El-Houry, NAS Group CEO shares his views on the potential and the economic future of the African aviation industry and its economic future on the WEF blog.
Click here for more info.
Voici comment faire progresser l'industrie aéronautique africaine
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Écoutez un entretien de Hassan El-Houry, PDG du groupe National Aviation Services (NAS) et co-auteur de Fly Africa, lors de son intervention avec Mustafa Alrawi du quotidien « The
National Aviation Services (NAS) dévoile le salon Premium Derwaza dans un nouveau style contemporain
Sunday, December 23, 2018
National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services aériens affichant le plus haut taux de croissance sur les marchés émergents,, a dévoilé aujourd’hui son salon premium «Derwaza» rénové, situé à l’Aéroport International de Koweït (T1).
L'ouverture officielle, placée sous le haut patronage de la Direction générale de l'aviation civile (DGCA) - Koweït, était dirigée par Eng. Yousef Sulaiman Al Fouzan, directeur général de l'aviation civile, Hassan El-Houry, PDG du groupe NAS et Mansour Al-Khezeim, directeur général de NAS Koweït.
Un style rafraîchi, contemporain et des caractéristiques uniques, basé sur un concept primé des lounges NAS, le « Derwaza » Lounge remis à neuf couvre une superficie de 585m2 et comprend un grand nombre de places assises, un centre d’affaires, des espaces de travail privés, des salles de réunion et un espace enfants. Un buffet chaud et froid varié, des stands cuisine en direct et des rafraîchissements et des boissons offrent une m
NAS partenaire avec Thomas International dans la Gestion des talents et la formation
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
L’être humain est au cœur de l’activité NAS, sur son réseau au Moyen-Orient, en Afrique et en Asie. Avec plus de 8 000 personnes employées et une croissance d’une grande envergure, la gestion des talents est devenu d’une extrême importance.
NAS a récemment noué un partenariat avec Thomas International, fournisseur mondial majeur d’outils d’évaluation des talents, des outils qui offrent un aperçu complet de ce qui fait le succès des personnes. Ils offrent également un éventail d'ateliers de formation et de cours qui complètent ces outils afin d’enrichir les personnes et renforcer la culture axée sur les performances élevées.
NAS a adopté les outils d'évaluation et les formations de Thomas International pour éliminer toute subjectivité et assurer que le bon talent est attractif, évolué et maintenu selon son calibre. L'outil de recrutement et de sélection, associé au système de développement et de promotion du personnel, garantit que tous les employés de NAS bénéfici
L’ONDA s'associe à NAS pour innover à l’aéroport de Marrakech des E-gates au niveau du salon Pearl Lounge - Première solution en son genre en Afrique
- Les E-gates offrent aux passagers un accès plus rapide aux salons
Casablanca, Morocco:
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
L'Office National des Aéroports (ONDA) s'est associé à National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services d’aviation qui connaît la plus forte croissance sur les marchés émergents. Dans le cadre de ce partenariat, les premières portes électroniques (E-gates) ont vu le jour au Pearl Lounge, le salon situé au niveau de la zone des départs à l'aéroport de Marrakech-Ménara. Il s'agit d’une première installation du genre en Afrique.
Grâce à cette solution technologique, les clients pourront accéder plus rapidement au salon sans devoir se présenter à la réception ou faire la queue. Le passager doit simplement scanner sa carte d'embarquement, son voucher acheté en ligne ou sa carte de membre Pearl Lounge pour accéder au Lounge.
L’« E-gate » traite ainsi toutes les données figurant sur la carte d'embarquement, vérifie son éligibilité et ouvre l’accès au client - le tout en moins de 2 secondes. Une technologie qui sera adoptée prochainement dans l’ensembl
NAS-RwandAir to unveil two new lounges at Kigali airport
Kigali, Rwanda:
Monday, November 19, 2018
NAS-RwandAir Ltd (NASRwandAir) has said that it has completed construction and development of two new airport lounges, which it plans to officially unveil in the next few days.
Unlocking Africa’s Aviation Potential
Paris, France:
Monday, October 29, 2018
Africans make up 12% of the world’s population but only 2.5% of the world’s passengers. Why the gap?
Hassan El-Houry, NAS Group CEO shares his views on the potential of the African aviation industry as a driver for economic prosperity on the OECD blog Development Matter ahead of the 18th International Economic Forum on Africa.
NAS Awarded ISO 30405:2016 Certification for Human Resources
Monday, October 15, 2018
National Aviation Services (NAS) Human Resources was awarded the ISO 30405:2016 certification for attracting, sourcing, assessing, and recruiting talent. This includes development of a recruitment policy, the process flow from sourcing of potential applicants to on-boarding of new recruits, as well as evaluation and measurement of new recruits to ensure that the right candidates are hired.
NAS truly believes that people are the core of its business and currently employs over 8,000 individuals of 61 nationalities across its network in 17 countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
This certification highlights the efforts made by NAS in attracting, recruiting and retaining the best talent and adds to a long list of recognitions awarded to NAS for operating according to international standards including the IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO).
NAS Receives ISO 10015:1999 Certification for Training
Monday, October 15, 2018
The National Aviation Services (NAS) Training department received the ISO 10015:1999 certification for development, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of training strategies and systems.
This certification adds to a long list of recognitions awarded to NAS for operating according to international standards including the IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO).
NAS currently employs over 8,000 individuals and has a strong training and development program to ensure consistency of service and quality around its network in 17 countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
Abu Dhabi Motors Expands Fleet of Luxury BMW Vehicles at Abu Dhabi Airport’s VIP Terminal
Abu Dhabi, UAE:
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
The VIP Terminal recently unveiled an expanded collection of BMW vehicles from Abu Dhabi Motors, as part of its luxury offering. Abu Dhabi Motors, the top selling BMW Group importer in the Middle East, celebrates the ongoing success of its longstanding, exclusive partnership with Abu Dhabi Airport by adding 12 new BMW 7 series vehicles to the existing luxury fleet at the VIP Terminal. The VIP Terminal, operated by Pearl Assist, also includes a Rolls-Royce Phantom in its current fleet of luxury vehicles.
Arno Husselmann, General Manager of Abu Dhabi Motors, said: “The partnership between Abu Dhabi Motors and Abu Dhabi Airport’s VIP Terminal has grown effectively and seamlessly, with an increase to the existing luxury fleet attesting to that success. The key to our accomplishment is understanding the needs of the customer base that expects exceptional transportation experiences and demands. The VIP terminal offers a premium travel experience, and we are happy to complement i
NAS to invest $50 million in Africa over the next three years
Kigali Rwanda :
Thursday, September 13, 2018
National Aviation Services (NAS), a Kuwait-based aviation services firm, has earmarked some $50 million investments for Africa ove
NAS Kuwait Holds Graduation Ceremony for LOYAC Interns
Kuwait :
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
National Aviation Services (NAS) Kuwait held a graduation ceremony to honor LOYAC interns that took part in their Summer Internship Program 2018, organized by the NAS Kuwait Human Resources team.
Around 50 LOYAC interns participated in the month long program, carrying out duties at the Kuwait International Airport and Sheikh Saad Terminal. They worked in passenger services, cargo management, ramp services, security, Pearl Assist meet and assist services; and lounge management during the peak travel season to get a better understanding about careers in the aviation industry.
During the ceremony, the interns were given a chance to share their experience of working at NAS and give their feedback to NAS senior management that attended the event.
A NAS corporate social responsibility initiative, the internship program is aimed at contributing to educational development of youth in Kuwait and offering them wider career options in the aviation industry.
Major Enhancements in Cargo Operations as GLS – NAS Marks First Financial Year in Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia :
Thursday, September 6, 2018
The Global Logistics Services Inc. (GLS) and National Aviation Services (NAS) joint venture company, GLS – NAS, has successfully completed its first financial year in Liberia reporting a progressive increase on cargo capacity at Roberts International Airport warehouse in Monrovia, Liberia.
This is part of a 25-year air cargo operations concession awarded by the Government of Liberia that includes the design, finance, build, maintenance, operation and transfer (DFBMOT) of a new, modern cargo facility at RIA. The new facility, covering 2,700 sqm, is scheduled for completion in 2019 with a view of improving RIA’s air cargo operations to meet international standards and support export supply chain capacity in the country.
Axel Coulibaly, General Manager of GLS – NAS said “At the end of our first financial year in the country, GLS-NAS is pleased to report a marked increase in cargo capacity at the Roberts International Airport. This was achieved through enhanced oper
NAS Pearl Assist Arrivals Baggage Delivery Service
Thursday, August 16, 2018
National Aviation Services (NAS) has introduced the Pearl Assist Baggage Delivery Service at Kuwait International Airport. This service allows passengers arriving at the airport to have their luggage delivered to their doorstep allowing them to exit the airport faster without waiting for the checked in baggage.
The Pearl Assist Baggage Delivery Service is open to all passengers flying any airline arriving at the Kuwait International Airport and the luggage can be delivered to any area in Kuwait.
Passengers can avail of this new service by pre-booking online via or at the Pearl Assist Baggage Delivery Service counter located in the arrivals area at the Airport.
The NAS Pearl Assist team will ensure that the luggage is kept safe and secure during the whole process. Bags are safely sealed at the luggage belt and scanned for tracking. This seal will be intact till the bags reach yo
NAS Kicks Off Summer Internship Program with LOYAC Kuwait
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
National Aviation Services (NAS) partnered with LOYAC, a nonprofit organization working towards the overall development of the youth in Kuwait, for an internship program organized by the NAS Human Resources team at the Kuwait International and Sheikh Saad Terminal during the summer months.
58 students from LOYAC studying in local schools and colleges will take up different roles in passenger services, meet and assist, lounges, ground handling, cargo and government projects for a period of one month. Through this internship program the students will receive on the job skills and training while gaining a hands on experience in aviation.
A NAS corporate social responsibility initiative, the internship program is aimed at contributing to educational development of youth in Kuwait and offering them wider career options in the aviation industry.
NAS apporte confort et luxe à l'Aéroport International du Caire avec son nouveau « Pearl Hall »
Cairo, Egypt:
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services aériens affichant le plus haut taux de croissance sur les marchés émergents a récemment inauguré son salon « Pearl » à l'aéroport international du Caire.
Le développement de ce nouveau salon fait suite à un accord de 5 ans entre la National Logistics Services (NLS), filiale active et propriété exclusive de NAS, et la Cairo Airport Authority, pour exploiter et développer le Salon. L'inauguration a eu lieu en présence de Mohamed Galal, directeur financier du groupe NAS (CFO) et d'Ahab Abd Elaziz, directeur général de NAS Egypt, ainsi que les principaux responsables de l'aéroport, des dignitaires locaux et les médias.
Le nouveau « Pearl Hall », situé au Terminal 2 au Départ, couvre une superficie de 540m2 et offre un confort et un luxe optimale à tous les passagers. Cela inclut une connexion Wi-Fi gratuite, des tablettes, des bornes d'alimentation électrique, des repas et boissons, des sièges confortab
NAS and RwandAir partner to provide Premier Lounge Services
Kigali, Rwanda :
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing aviation services provider in the emerging markets, announced a joint venture agreement with Rwanda’s national flag carrier, RwandAir. The JV titled NAS RwandAir Limited, will be the exclusive lounge management company at Kigali International Airport (KIA).
NASRwandAir is tasked with the construction and development of two new lounges at KIA, the RwandAir Dream Lounge dedicated to the airline’s premium passengers and an arrivals lounge. The JV will also take over management of the existing NAS Pearl Lounge in the departures area which caters to other airline passengers as well.
“The NASRwandAir JV is part of many initiatives RwandAir is putting in place to upgrade its business class service across its value chain, from dedicated areas at its town offices to fast track and quality services at airports, upgraded amenities and full-flat bed seats in our wide-bodied aircraft.” said Yvonne Manzi Makolo, CEO of
NAS Kuwait Holds First Annual Recognition Awards
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
National Aviation Services (NAS) held its first Annual Recognition Awards ceremony to felicitate employees,
departments and global stations for exceptional performance in 2017. Four awards were announced for NAS Kuwait, while one was a global award for the Best Global Station.
Organized by the Human Resources department, the event had the ambience of a red carpet awards night and was live streamed online so employees from other countries
could also view the proceedings.
Adel Malallah, Chief Government Relations Officer and Mansour Ali Al Kheziem, General Manager from Kuwait station along with Cisse Abdoulaye,
Group Chief Operating Officer – Ground Handling and Cargo graced the event and helped boost the enthusiasm of all attending employees.
The Employee of t
NAS Uganda salué par Brussels Airlines et KLM
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
National Aviation Services (NAS) a été salué pour son respect des délais pour ses opérations en Ouganda par deux compagnies aériennes clientes.
Ces deux compagnies aériennes internationales, Brussels Airlines et KLM ont considéré la ponctualité exceptionnelle des opérations de NAS Uganda à l'aéroport international d'Entebbe. NAS Uganda, anciennement Entebbe Handling Services (ENHAS), gère 15 compagnies aériennes et une moyenne de 25 vols par jour. Les opérations sont assurées par 810 employés.
Présent dans plus de 30 aéroports au Moyen-Orient, en Asie et en Afrique, NAS fournit des services d'assistance en escale à 7 des 10 plus grandes compagnies aériennes du monde et dispose d'un OTP moyen de 98% sur l'ensemble de ses opérations.
NAS gère également 31 salons d'aéroport dans 17 pays et a démontré ses compétences en soutenant les compagnies aériennes locales dans ces pays. NAS offre un large portefeuille de services aéronautiques, y compris la ge
NAS Ivoire rend hommage aux employés à la veille de leur retraite
Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire:
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Les employés sont au cœur de nos activités et peu importe le temps passé avec NAS, ils laissent derrière eux l’empreinte de leurs efforts et de leur dévouement envers l'entreprise.
NAS Ivoire a fait ses adieux à 15 employés qui prennent leur retraite à Abidjan en organisant une cérémonie spéciale en présence de l'Inspecteur Général d’État du bureau du président, des représentants du ministère de l'Emploi et de la Sécurité Sociale, et du ministère des Transports.
La cérémonie a honoré ces employés tant pour leur fidélité et leur endurance que pour leur contribution au succès de l'entreprise. Chaque employé a reçu une médaille et une récompense financière en remerciement de leur contribution.
Alla N'Guessen Nogu, le plus ancien de l'équipe du département Finances, travaille avec l'entreprise depuis 39 ans. Un autre retraité, Diaw Papa Talam, a été nommé Employé du Mois quelques mois seulement avant de prendre sa retraite.
Au nom de NAS,
NAS Kuwait s'associe à INJAZ dans le programme Job Shadow
Sunday, April 22, 2018
National Aviation Services (NAS) a conclu un partenariat avec INJAZ, une organisation à but non lucratif qui relie les jeunes aux leaders d'aujourd'hui par le conseil et la formation pratique, afin de mener un programme de jumelage au travail à l'Aéroport International du Koweït.
Ce programme de jumelage, formé de 12 étudiants de l'école Bibi Salem Al-Sabah, leur permettait une meilleure compréhension du traitement des passagers et de la gestion des Lounges de l'aéroport. Le groupe s’est déplacé dans l'aéroport afin de découvrir les comptoirs d'enregistrement gérés par NAS et les procédures officielles de contrôle des passeports avant de visiter les Lounges Pearl et Derwaza opérés par NAS.
Une partie du programme de Responsabilité Sociale d’entreprise de NAS, mené par l'équipe NAS Human Resources, visait à contribuer au développement éducatif des jeunes dans le pays et à leur offrir de plus larges options de carrière dans l'industrie aéronautique.
NAS inaugurates new Pearl Lounges at Rabat–Salé Airport International Airport in Morocco
Casablanca, Morocco:
Monday, April 16, 2018
National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing aviation services provider in the emerging markets, announced the official opening of their new Pearl Lounge at the Rabat–Salé International Airport in Morocco. This follows the opening of NAS Pearl lounges at the Marrakech and Casablanca airports last December.
The exquisite Pearl lounge in Rabat covers 350 square meters, combining luxury and serenity to offer maximum comfort for all passengers. Passengers can choose to utilize their waiting time to rest, work or avail of quality entertainment.
Specially equipped work spaces, free Wi-Fi access, newspapers and satellite television channels alongside a delectable selection of hot and cold snacks facilitate both work and pleasure. The lounge also offers shower facilities and a smoking area for maximized comfort.
The younger passengers also have their own fun with a play area dedicated for them. For viewing pleasure, NAS has also introduced t
NAS Afghanistan Renews IATA De-icing and Anti-icing Services Certification
Kabul, Afghanistan:
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Kabul, Afghanistan, 12 April 2018 - National Aviation Services (NAS) has renewed its International Air Transport Association (IATA) certification for de-icing and anti-icing services for airlines at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan. The certification is now renewed till 2020.
With winter weather reaching sub-zero temperatures, snow and ice settles on the wings, horizontal and vertical stabilizers of the aircraft. This adds extra weight on the aircraft and disrupts air flow that reduces lift. It can also disrupt the movement of the wings' flaps and ailerons, which could lead to critical incidents or even could lead to crash the flights. This makes de-icing extremely important before take-off.
In 2016, NAS was the first ground handling company in Afghanistan to receive the IATA De-Icing/Anti-Icing Quality Control Pool (DAQCP) certification by following stringent international standards and safety procedures. The DAQCP currently consists of about 100 member a
Going Digital is no Longer an Option
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Rami Al-Haddad, NAS Group IT Director, participated in a CNME and ManageEngine symposium held in Kuwait about the value of IT
NAS Recognized at CIO 100 Awards
Dubai, UAE:
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
National Aviation Services (NAS) was recognized as an innovator during the fourth annual CIO 100 Awards and Forum organized by CNME in Dubai, UAE. Rami Al-Haddad, IT Director for NAS Group accepted the award on behalf of NAS.
The annual CIO 100 Awards recognize 100 organizations and individuals within them, for using IT in innovative ways to deliver business value, by creating competitive advantage, optimizing business processes, enabling growth or improving relationships with customers. NAS received the award for the development of its proprietary Lost Luggage Delivery Management System (LLDMS) which improved customer experience, and increased delivery by 200 percent.
NAS has long recognized technology as a driver for digital change, and has committed significant resources towards the development and roll-out of innovative solutions to further advance the company’s growth and success.
FNB and NAS Inaugurate Exclusive Lounge at Maputo International Airport
Thursday, February 15, 2018
First National Bank Mozambique (FNB) and National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing aviation services provider in the emerging markets, recently inaugurated an exclusive, contemporary lounge at the International terminal of the Maputo International Airport. The FNB Lounge by Pearl Assist offers a modern, luxurious space providing guest with a comfortable environment to relax and unwind, have a meal or catch up on work before departing on their onward journey.
The FNB Lounge by Pearl Assist, was officially inaugurated by João Martins de Abreu, Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Civil Aviation of Mozambique, Emanuel Chavez, CEO Aeroportos de Moçambique (ADM), Paulo Pereira, Deputy CEO for FNB Mozambique and David Henderson, Group Chief Commercial Officer, NAS.
Operated by NAS Pearl Assist, the FNB lounge is located on the first floor of the Maputo International Airport departures terminal
NAS Recognized as Fastest Growing Aviation Services Provider in the Emerging Markets
Dubai, UAE:
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Dubai, UAE, 4 February 2018: National Aviation Services (NAS) was recently recognized as the “Fastest Growing Aviation Services Provider in the Emerging Markets – Africa” at the International Financial Magazine Awards held in Dubai, UAE. David Henderson, Group Chief Commercial Officer, accepted the award on behalf of NAS.
The IFM Awards honor achievers in the world of Business and Finance with the in recognition of their contribution to raising the bar in their sector and industry. NAS was recognized for its quick growth and increasing geographic footprint in the emerging markets. From its base in Kuwait, the company operates in 17 countries, including Cote d’Ivoire, Morocco, Liberia, Rwanda, UAE, Afghanistan and India, and a total of 30 airports while continuing to expand year on year.
The company provides comprehensive ground handling solutions, cargo management, terminal and lounge management, meet-and-assist services, aviation training and security, a
Air Cargo Week: African airfreight getting ready to take off
London, UK:
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Hassan El-Houry, Group CEO NAS, comments on African airfreight in an interview with Air Cargo Week.
CNBC Afrique: L'industrie de Aéronautique en Afrique a un énorme potentiel
Davos, Switzerland:
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Hassan El-Houry, PDG du groupe NAS, parle à CNBC Afrique lors du WEF2018 à Davos sur l’énorme potentiel de l'industrie aérona
Les Africains ont besoin de la liberté de voyager sur leur propre continent. Voici pourquoi
Friday, January 19, 2018
Avant la réunion annuelle du WEF 2018 à Davos, le PDG de NAS Group, Hassan El-Houry, décrit pourquoi #VisaFreeAfrica est une
Daily News Interview: Dar devient le centre régional de l'aviation
Dar es Salaam:
Thursday, January 11, 2018
En Tanzanie, elle opère dans la plupart des aéroports principaux, y compris ceux de Julius Nyerere, KIA, Dodoma et Mbeya, tra
National Aviation Services inaugure deux salons Pearl Lounge à l'aéroport Marrakech Menara
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Marrakech, Maroc, 12 décembre 2017: National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services aériens qui connaît la plus forte croissance sur les marchés émergents, a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de ses salons Pearl Lounge à l'aéroport de Marrakech-Menara au Maroc.
Les deux magnifiques salons, d'une superficie totale de 800 mètres carrés, combinent luxe et sérénité pour offrir un maximum de confort à tous les passagers.
Hassan El-Houry, PDG du groupe NAS, a déclaré: «Nous sommes ravis de travailler avec l'Office Nationale des aéroports (ONDA) pour lancer les Pearl Lounge à l'aéroport Marrakech-Menara. Les deux salons viennent compléter l’offre déjà très éclectique de cet aéroport, classé par Skyteam comme le plus bel aéroport au monde. Tous les voyageurs au départ, à l’arrivée ou en transit peuvent accéder au salon pour se détendre, se ressourcer ou travailler dans un environnement offrant un maximum de confort."
Les salons Pearl Lounge s
NAS Afghanistan Renews ISAGO Certification for Kabul Operations
Kabul, Afghanistan:
Thursday, November 30, 2017
National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing aviation services provider in the emerging markets, has renewed its IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) certification in Kabul. NAS Afghanistan passed the ISAGO audit with a perfect score for the second time in two years, once again demonstrating the company’s commitment to safety and security in all its operations.
ISAGO is an internationally-recognized system for assessing the operational management and control systems for ground handling service providers. It is based on industry-proven quality audit principles and follows a stringent and structured process that reviews training, policies, procedures, etc.
NAS was also among the first ground handling providers in the world to receive an ISAGO certification for its Kuwait operation in 2008 and continues to drive efforts to ensure that all its stations are certified. Kuwait’s certification has been renewed five times, while NAS Abidjan received it
National Aviation Services (NAS) s'associe à #VisaFreeAfrica
Kigali, Rwanda:
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
The Kigali Global Shapers has partnered with National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing aviation services provider in the emerging markets, for an exclusive sponsor of #VisaFreeAfrica (VFA), a global campaign to facilitate mobility in Africa. For the past 30 years, the African Union has attempted to address free movement on the continent. The “Agenda 2063” plan to introduce a common African passport by 2020 is in motion but African citizens still need visas to travel to 42 out of 54 African countries.
The #VisaFreeAfrica campaign, launched by the Kigali Global Shapers during the World Economic Forum for Africa in 2016 includes a global petition that calls for:
1. All 54 African countries to grant a 30-day visa on arrival to all African citizens by 2022. 2. Achieve free movement of people across all African countries by 2030.
In addition to the petition, Global Shapers across the African continent are engaging their leaders and
Fly Africa prend son envol
Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire:
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
FLY AFRICA, le livre co-écrit par Hassan El-Houry, un pionnier de l'industrie aéronautique africaine et Eric Kacou, un stratège et investisseur africain, a été lancé hier sur Amazon.
Le livre met en évidence comment l'aviation pourrait devenir l'une des plus grandes forces de l'Afrique, étayant sa croissance économique et la reliant au reste du monde. Pourtant, aujourd'hui, l'industrie aéronautique africaine est à la traîne. Cette disparité est rendue encore plus évidente par le fait que les Africains représentent 12% de la population mondiale et moins de 2% de ses voyageurs. Cette inégalité n'est pourtant pas inévitable.
L'aviation peut fournir un radeau de sauvetage revitalisant les économies nationales Africaines et contribuant au développement.
El-Houry: "Nous croyons que l'avenir de l'aviation se trouve en Afrique. A fur et à mesure que le continent s’accroît et que les économies continuent à se développer, nous y verrons apparaitre de plus e
NAS Recognized for Aviation Deployment at CNME’s ICT Achievement Awards 2017
Dubai, UAE:
Monday, October 30, 2017
National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing aviation services provider in the emerging markets was recognized as the winner of the prestigious ‘Aviation Deployment of the Year’ Award at Computer News Middle East’s (CNME) ICT Achievement Awards 2017.
CNME's ICT Achievement Awards recognize individuals and organizations that have delivered ground-breaking business value through the innovative application of technology. The eighth annual ICT Achievement Awards was dedicated to honouring participants in several categories; including Technology Deployment, Innovation, and Strategy. Nominated parties included prominent enterprises from various sectors including airlines, banks, universities, hospitals, and telecommunication companies.
NAS's award winning deployment involved the roll-out of advanced systems tailored to enhance airport lounge operations across its network. This included more than 30 airport lounges across the Middle East and Africa. The integ
Les voitures BMW Luxury d'Abu Dhabi Motors choisies pour le Terminal VIP de l'Aéroport d'Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi, UAE:
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Le terminal VIP des Aéroports d'Abu Dhabi, exploité par National Aviation Services (NAS), le fournisseur de services aériens affichant le plus haut taux de croissance sur les marchés émergents, a récemment reçu cinq nouveaux véhicules BMW M760Li d'Abu Dhabi Motors. Cela vient doubler le nombre actuel de véhicules de luxe au Terminal VIP de l'Aéroport International d'Abu Dhabi à dix BMW de luxe, en plus d’une nouvelle Rolls-Royce Phantom.
Dan Cappell, Directeur Commercial des Aéroports d'Abu Dhabi, a commenté : « Le Terminal VIP de l'Aéroport International d'Abu Dhabi est un havre de luxe et d'avantages incomparables. L'expansion de l’ensemble des véhicules BMW reflète ce que cet aéroport unique aspire à offrir à ses précieux clients, en réaffirmant notre objectif d'offrir un service luxueux sans équivalent qui transforme le voyage en une expérience mémorable. »
Cet ensemble ambitieux, géré par NAS, facilite un transport privilégié et confortable aux passager
GLS – NAS JV Kicks Off Operations in Monrovia
Monrovia, Liberia:
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
The Global Logistics Services Inc. (GLS) and National Aviation Services (NAS) joint venture company formed earlier this year, GLS – NAS, kicked off operations at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) in Monrovia handling six flights and more than 15 metric tons of cargo on the first day.
The joint venture was formed to manage a 25-year air cargo operations concession awarded to GLS by the Government of Liberia. The concession includes the design, finance, build, maintenance, operation and transfer (DFBMOT) of a new, modern cargo facility at RIA. The new facility, covering 2,700 sqm, is scheduled for completion in 2019 with a view of improving RIA’s air cargo operations to meet international standards and support export supply chain capacity in the country.
While the new facility is under construction, GLS – NAS continues to operate out of the existing warehouse at RIA. On the first day of operations, GLS – NAS managed ramp cargo transportation for Arik A
Al Hilal Bank s'associe au Terminal VIP des Aéroports d'Abu Dhabi pour les membres exclusifs
Abu Dhabi, UAE:
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Le Terminal VIP des aéroports d'Abu Dhabi, exploité par National Aviation Services (NAS), fournisseur de services aériens affichant le plus fort taux de croissance sur les marchés émergents, a signé un accord de partenariat avec Al Hilal Bank à Abu Dhabi, une Banque islamique moderne, afin de fournir à ses principaux clients, un accès exclusif au Terminal VIP de l'Aéroport International d'Abu Dhabi.
À cette occasion, Abdul Majeed Al Khoori, Directeur Général des aéroports d'Abu Dhabi, a déclaré : « Le Terminal VIP a été construit et exploité avec une seule ambition, celle de pourvoir un service de luxe à tous nos clients et de leur assurer une expérience de voyage exceptionnelle, et qui reflètera ce qu’Abu Dhabi a de meilleur. Par conséquent, des partenariats comme celui-ci jouent un rôle déterminant dans la réalisation de cet ambitieux projet, et nous nous réjouissons déjà du succès qu’ils offriront aux aéroports d'Abu Dhabi et à tous ses partenaires. »
NAS Abu Dhabi marque les Fêtes de l'Indépendance pakistanaises et indiennes
Abu Dhabi:
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Pour célébrer le jour de l'Indépendance pakistanais du 14 août et le jour de l'Indépendance des Indiens du 15 août, 25 passagers chanceux ont reçu des bons pour un accès gratuit au Diamond Lounge aux terminal personnalités exploité par NAS. Ces passagers chanceux ont connu tous les services NAS au terminal VIP d'Abu Dabi en partant. Cela comprenait l'entrée aux terminal personnalités à travers une porte de la route privée, en passant par toutes les formalités, les contrôles de sécurité et l'immigration et enfin un trajet privé à leurs terminaux de départ respectifs dans notre Mercedes Benz Viano spécial.
L'accès au Diamond Lounge comprenait un repas buffet, des installations de divertissements, des toilettes avec douches, une salle de jeux pour enfants, une salle de prière et une zone de fumée séparée.
Pour profiter du salon
NAS inaugure Pearl Lounge à l’aéroport international de Marsa Alam
Marsa Alam, Egypt:
Monday, July 24, 2017
National Aviation Services (NAS), la compagnie fournisseur de service d’aviation à la plus forte croissance sur les marchés émergents a récemment inauguré deux salons Pearl Lounge à l’aéroport international de Marsa Alam. Le Directeur de l’aéroport, General Tarek Zada et le directeur Financier de NAS Mr. Mohamed Galal ont coupé le ruban d’inauguration.
Le General Tarek Zada, directeur de l’aéroport de Marsa Alam a annoncé : « L’aéroport de Marsa Alam connait une croissance énorme, avec des projections de sièges réservés entre Juin et Novembre 2017 montrant une augmentation de plus de 200% comparé a la même période en 2016. Avoir des Salons de classe mondiale fait partie de notre vision afin d’assurer que les structures et les services sont continuellement développés afin d’accueillir des visiteurs venant du monde entier.
Les Salons Pearl Lounge, fraichement inaugurés de l’aéroport international de Marsa Alam offriront gratuitement aux passagers le Wi-Fi, des table
Agnès Laurent nommée Directrice Générale de NAS Maroc
Casablanca, Morocco:
Monday, July 24, 2017
National Aviation Services (NAS), Leader de la prestation de services d’aviation dans les pays émergents, désigne Agnès Laurent Directrice Générale de NAS MAROC.
Agnès Laurent est responsable de la mise en place et la gestion des 16 salons NAS dans neuf aéroports du Royaume. Elle sera également en charge du développement des services Meet and Assist qui ont récemment été lancés par NAS aux aéroports de Casablanca Mohammed V, Rabat-Salé, Marrakech-Menara, Agadir-Al Massira, Oujda-Angad, Fes-Saiss et Tanger-Ibn Battouta.
Avec 29 ans d’expérience dans le secteur aérien, Agnès Laurent est une professionnelle aguerrie de l’aviation. Elle rejoint NAS après de longues années chez Air France où elle a occupé de nombreuses fonctions dans plusieurs pays d’Europe et au Maroc. Elle a notamment participé à l’ouverture et la gestion du salon First Class « La Première » à l’aéroport Charles De Gaulle pendant plusieurs années avant de rejoindre le Maroc où elle a occupé la position
GLS-NAS JV to Service Air Cargo Operations Concession in Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia:
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Global Logistics Services Inc. (GLS) has partnered with National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest aviation services provider in the emerging markets to form a joint venture company, GLS – NAS JV. The GLS – NAS JV will manage a 25-year air cargo operations concession awarded to GLS by the Government of Liberia.
NAS will contribute international cargo handling expertise to the JV and GLS will maintain local logistics and support. The JV will support human and operating capacity development in the aviation service sector to boost Liberia’s air cargo supply chain capabilities.
Under the terms of the agreement, GLS - NAS will design, finance, build, maintain, operate and transfer (DFBMOT) a new, modern cargo facility at the Roberts International Airport (RIA) in Monrovia. This new facility will improve RIA’s air cargo operations to meet international standards and support export supply chain capacity in the country.
The new storage facility will cover a
FNB s'associe à NAS pour opérer un nouveau salon à l'aéroport international de Maputo
Maputo, Mozambique:
Monday, June 19, 2017
Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE, 19 juin 2017 - La First National Bank (FNB), l'une des quatre plus grandes banques d'Afrique du Sud, s'est associée à National Aviation Services (NAS) pour exploiter un nouveau salon de départ à l'aéroport international de Maputo pour les cinq prochaines années. L'accord inclus une option de reconduction pour cinq années supplémentaires.
En 2016, la FNB a été l’adjudicataire d’un appel d’offre pour gérer ce nouveau salon qui accueillera ses clients titulaires de cartes Platinum ainsi que certains passagers de compagnies aériennes et autres entreprises. Ce salon de 250 mètres carrés situé dans la zone de départs peut accueillir 80 passagers, et comprend un espace restauration, un centre d'affaires entièrement équipé, une zone fumeur ainsi qu’une aire de jeux pour enfants.
Johan Maree, PDG de FNB MOÇAMBIQUE, a déclaré: «Nous sommes engagés à servir au mieux nos clients et leur être d’une obligeance extrême. Le lancement de ce nouveau salon cons
CNBC Africa Interview: l'impact de l'aviation sur la croissance en Afrique
Saturday, May 6, 2017
L'aviation est essentielle pour promouvoir le commerce, cependant seulement 1 pour cent des vols décollent ou arrivent en Afrique.
Douze pour cent de la population mondiale réside en Afrique et pourtant, seulement 1 pour cent des vols mondiaux décollent ou arrivent sur le continent.
| Entretien: Résoudre les défis de l'aviation en Afrique
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Hassan El-Houry, PDG du groupe NAS parle à pour discuter des opportunités de développement de l'aviation en Afrique.
Ground Handling International: analyse mondiale - The Middle Ground
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Directeur général du groupe NAS, Hassan El-Houry partage son point de vue sur les marchés de la manutention au sol au Moyen-Orient avec Ground Handling International
La Certification ISAGO de NAS Abidjan, met en exergue notre engagement à la Sécurité et à la Sureté.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Cote d’Ivoire, 3 Avril 2017 – National Aviation Services (NAS), le prestataire de services d’aviation ayant la croissance la plus rapide dans les marchés émergents a reçu la Certification ISAGO (Audit de Sécurité des Opérations au Sol de IATA) de ses opérations à Abidjan. La certification ISAGO de NAS Abidjan met en lumière l’engagement continu de notre Groupe à assurer la Sécurité et la Sureté de ses opérations sur l’ensemble de son réseau.
Cette distinction est la plus récente certification décernée par IATA à notre société. En 2008, NAS était parmi les premières sociétés d’assistance au sol dans le monde à recevoir la certification ISAGO pour ses opérations au Koweït. Depuis cette date, la certification des opérations au Koweït a été renouvelée cinq fois.
Monsieur Hassan El Houry, Président Directeur Général du Groupe a déclaré : « Tout en continuant la croissance agressive de notre réseau et l’expansion de la liste de nos produits et services, nous restons concent
Entretien TV 2M: Hassan El Houry, CEO de NAS Group, discute d'investissements au Maroc
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Hassan El Houry, PDG du groupe NAS, discute des investissements de la compagnie au Maroc lors d'un entretien avec la chaîne française locale 2M.
Entrevue CNBC Afrique: Le PDG du groupe NAS, Hassan El-Houry sur le déverrouillage du potentiel aéronautique de l'Afrique.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
L'Afrique compte pour seulement 3% du trafic aérien global mais possède un potentiel de croissance exponentiel. Hassan EL-Houry, PDG du groupe NAS, a parlé à la CNBC Afrique au Sommet Economic Mondial
NAS débute ses operations au Maroc
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Koweït le 15 Janvier 2017 - NAS (National Aviation Services), la compagnie de services aéroportuaires à la plus forte croissance sur les marchés émergents a commencé la rénovation et le développement de 16 salons (départs et arrivées) sur 9 aéroports Marocains, incluant Casablanca, Marrakech, Rabat, Agadir, Tanger, Oujda, Fès, Dakhla et Laayoune.
Faisant partie d'une concession de 10 ans adjugée par l'Office National des Aéroports (ONDA) suite à un appel d'offre international ouvert, NAS va aussi gérer ses salons et mettre en place "Pearl Assist", le service d'accueil et d'assistance pour les départs et les arrivées. Avec le Maroc, NAS élargit son réseau "Pearl Lounge" pour dépasser les 30 salons dans plus de 10 pays.
Hassan El Houry, PDG de NAS a déclaré "Nous sommes très heureux et enthousiastes de travailler avec l'ONDA pour le développement et la gestion de neuf aéroports majeurs du Royaume. La qualité du service aéroportuaire est un facteur crucial pour le voyage
NAS Adjudicataire de la concession pour la gestion des Salons CIP et des services d’Accueil et d’Assistance dans Neuf Aéroports au Maroc
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Koweït, le 10 Novembre 2016 – National Aviation Services (NAS), la compagnie de manutention au sol à la plus forte croissance sur les marchés émergents, atteint un nouveau jalon dans son expansion en s’attribuant le redéveloppement et la gestion de seize salons dans neuf aéroports marocains. Suite à un appel d’offre international, l’Office National Des Aéroports (ONDA) lui a adjugé une concession de dix ans pour gérer les services d’accueil et d’assistance ainsi que les Salons CIP au départ et à l’arrivée des principaux aéroports marocains.
Avec ce nouveau contrat, NAS accroit son réseau de Salons CIP pour atteindre 30 salons dans 6 pays.
Dans cette concession de dix ans, NAS fournira ses services à Casablanca, Marrakech, Rabat, Agadir, Tanger, Fès, Dakhla, Oujda et Laayoun. Ce contrat a été adjugé à NAS sur la base de son expérience éprouvée et les solutions proposées pour le réaménagement et le développement des salons existants ainsi que sa capacité à délivrer
National Aviation Services a célébré le 1er anniversaire
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
National Aviation Services a célébré le 1er anniversaire du lancement de ses services complets d’assistance en escale sur l’aéroport d’Abidjan le 27 Septembre dernier. A cette occasion, un diner-gala ayant vu la participation de plus de 200 convives fut organisé à l’hôtel Radisson Blu situé à l’aéroport Félix Houphouët Boigny. Plus de 200 invités du secteur de l’aviation comprenant les compagnies aériennes clientes, les agences de voyages et les transitaires ont donc rehaussé de leur présence cette soirée présidée par son Excellence Monsieur Gaoussou Touré, Ministre des Transports de la République de Côte d’Ivoire. Cet évènement a vu également la participation de Monsieur Hassan El Houry, Président Directeur Général de National Aviation Services et de Monsieur Jean Louis Ekra, Président du Conseil d’Administration de NAS Ivoire.
La cérémonie a été ouverte par Monsieur Abdoulaye Cisse, Directeur Général de NAS Ivoire. Monsieur Cisse a dans son al
NAS India receives valued Ground Handling award
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
In a prestigious ceremony held on Friday the 26th of August 2016, NAS India received values Ground Handling award from the Chairman of GOA CARGO ASSOCIATION. The list of invitees to the ceremony included Commissioner Of Customs, senior members of the Goa Chamber Of Commerce, Directorate Of Agriculture of the Government Of Goa, Exporters and Importers of Goa, Chief GM of CONCOR - a Government Of India cargo and warehousing company, Airlines, and Forwarders & Cargo Handling Agents .
NAS-DAR AIRCO signs a 10 year Ground Handling concession in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
NAS (National Aviation Services) carries on with its ongoing vision “NAS aims to be the service provider of choice to the aviation sector in emerging markets”
The NAS group, headquartered in Kuwait, has gained an industry wide reputation as a high quality aviation services provider with a significant competitive edge over its regional competitors. Because we believe in quality of service, personal ownership and accountability, responsibility to our shareholders, aggressive growth and integrity
Mwanza ground Handling Company Ltd (AIRCO) provides passenger and aircraft ground handling services at Mwanza airport since September 2000. Dynamically growing company and constantly analyzing development opportunities in the markets of other countries. Expanded its operation via major strategic investment in JUBA AIRCO Handling Company and is now handling Juba (South Sudan) Airport.
With 13 years of experience and a highly qualified team of professionals, AIRCO provides ser
NAS HQ Kuwait ISAGO Renewal
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
NAS Kuwait is very pleased to announce the renewal of the ISAGO audit that ended successfully on March 15-16, 2016. The renewal audit has ended with no findings.
This is our 5th renewal. NAS was one of the first 10 companies in the world to be certified globally. We now have an uninterrupted certification for 10+ years for the following divisions:
Safety, Ground Operations, Cargo, Training, Passengers, IT, HR and Security.
Quick Fact: On December 2, 2008. NAS was the 3rd company all over the world to be registered as an ISAGO provider!
New Ground Handling Services Launched in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
National Aviation Services (NAS) launched its comprehensive range of award winning ground handling services in Abidjan on the 25th of September. With more than 800 staff and a fleet of 300 pieces of ground support equipment, NAS will provide passenger, ramp and cargo handling services at Felix Houphouet Boigny International Airport Abidjan.
NAS was awarded the exclusive 10-year concession to provide ground handling services at the airport by the Ministry of Transport in Cote D'Ivoire following a three-stage public tender in which more than ten different companies were competing for the contract. Hassan El Houry, CEO of NAS, said "We are pleased to bring the NAS brand expertise and investment to Cote D'Ivoire and to bring our unique product range to what is one the region's leading airports".
NAS has already employed more than 800 people at the airport and has provided more than 5,000 hours of training in preparation for its launch, working with a number of internationally
New ground handling services launched at key Afghan airports thanks to Ariana-NAS Afghan Airlines partnership
Monday, August 24, 2015
State-of-the-art ground handling services will be provided by Ariana-NAS at Kandahar and Herat International Airports to serve carriers such as flydubai, Turkish Airlines and Ariana Afghan Airlines
24 August 2015 - Ariana-NAS, a joint venture between National Aviation Services (NAS) and Ariana Afghan Airlines, has launched ground handling services in Herat and Kandahar International Airports in Afghanistan, in a move that it is hoped will facilitate the integration of Afghanistan into the wider global economy.
Stephen Irwin, General Manager of NAS Afghanistan stated, "At NAS, we fully understand the opportunities and challenges of operating in emerging markets. Our commercial and operational expertise gives us the edge as an ideal partner in airports services worldwide, allowing us to operate at optimal financial and operational levels. Being a privately owned company affords NAS the very important advantage of being independent to offer partners the best in airport servi
Aviation: Interview avec Hassan El-Houry, Chief Executive Officer de National Aviation Services
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Assistance en escale à l’aéroport FHB/Hassan El-Houry, PDG NAS : «Abidjan regagnera son titre historique de hub de l’Afrique de l’Ouest »
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Une convention de délégation de l’assistance en escale de l’aéroport Félix Houphouët Boigny au Groupe Kowétien National Aviation Service (NAS) a été signée le 16 janvier 2015. Dans un entretien, le PDG du groupe NAS, Hassan El-Houry dévoile la feuille de route du groupe qu’il dirige, au regard du cahier des charges reçu des autorités ivoiriennes. Il rassure par ailleurs l’Etat de Côte d’Ivoire sur l’engagement de NAS à accompagner les autorités ivoiriennes dans leur volonté de faire d’Abidjan, le hub de l’Afrique de l’Ouest.
Votre groupe, National Aviation Services, a obtenu le contrat d'assistance en escale à l'aéroport International Felix Houphouët Boigny d'Abidjan pour remplacer la Regie, organisme d'État. Qu’est que cela signifie pour votre groupe et pour la Côte d'Ivoire?
Pour l’État de Côte d'ivoire, il s'agit d'un pas en avant courageux d’inviter l’investissement étranger et le secteur privé dans un service crucial au sein du pays. Plus encore, c'est une étape néc
Celebi NAS Airport Services India Wins New Contract at Mumbai International Airport
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Celebi NAS Airport Services India, the joint venture company between NAS and Celebi Holding, has been awarded an exclusive concession by the Mumbai International Airport to provide Bridge Mounted Equipment (BME) services for a period of 22 years. Mumbai's Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport handles over 35 million passengers annually and is considered one of the largest airports in Asia.
As a part of the concession, Celebi NAS will install, operate and maintain state of the art BME to deliver power and conditioned air to aircrafts docked at the domestic terminal and the new Terminal 2.
With this concession, Celebi NAS will also have the sole right to collect charges in respect of BME services from all the users.
"This is a great achievement for Celebi NAS who has over sixty percent of the market share at Mumbai International Airport and handles over 40 customer airlines. We have proven that we are a highly motivated company with the aim to provide our c
Aviation Business-Exclusive Interview with Hassan El-Houry, Chief Executive Officer, National Aviation Services
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
NAS Video: Coverage of NAS Côte d’Ivoire’s Launch Event
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
NAS Pearl Assist Services to be launched at
Sharm El-Sheikh International Airport
Thursday, March 26, 2015
National Logistics Services Egypt, a subsidiary of the NAS Group has been awarded a tender to provide meet and assist and lounge services branded Pearl Assist, at Sharm El-Sheikh International Airport, one of the top 10 busiest airports in Africa. Pearl Assist will offer world-class services to the 7 million passengers travelling through Terminals 1 and 2 of the airport from the moment they arrive to the airport until the moment they depart.
Efficiently managed by NAS, Pearl Assist will benefit travelers with expedited visa on arrival approvals, greeting and assistance on arrival and departure, guidance through airport clearance, baggage claim and escorts till their pick up point, ensuring a comfortable and relaxed transfer through the airport.
To make their services more accessible and improve passenger experience, NAS also offers a booking portal, mobile phone applications and fast track technologies for all Pearl services.
National Aviation Services Awarded
IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations Program (ISAGO) Certification
Thursday, March 26, 2015
National Aviation Services (NAS), the leading provider of quality airport ground handling services to airlines at the Kuwait International Airport has successfully completed the IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operation (ISAGO) certification conducted by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the leading aviation safety agency in the world.
NAS Awarded Ground Handling Contract for Abidjan Airport
Thursday, February 12, 2015
National Aviation Services (NAS), the fastest growing ground handling company in the emerging markets and a subsidiary of Agility, has reached a new milestone in its expansion with its first contract award in West Africa. With the new contract, NAS has now expanded its operational network to 16 stations in nine countries
Abu Dhabi International Airport inaugurates new VIP Terminal
Abu Dhabi :
Monday, November 24, 2014
Abu Dhabi Airports inaugurated a luxury VIP Terminal at Abu Dhabi International Airport, in partnership with National Aviation Services (NAS), yesterday.
H.E. Ali Majed Al Mansoori, Chairman of Abu Dhabi Airports officially opened the terminal with a ribbon cutting ceremony together with Hassan El-Houry, Chief Executive Officer of National Aviation Services (NAS).
Afghanistan: Aviation Leaders in the Making: 150+ Employees Trained at NAS Ariana
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
National Aviation Services (NAS) and Ariana Afghan Airlines have been awarded the exclusive right for ten years to provide comprehensive airport ground handling services at Kabul, Kandahar and Herat International Airports in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. NAS, with its team of highly focused and motivated individuals, now has a foothold in more than 15 airports across three continents providing world-class ground handling services in emerging markets while achieving operational and financial success. Ariana Afghan Airlines with over 60 years of experience in the aviation industry is the leading carrier in Afghanistan. Ariana has been the symbol of the very Afghan tradition and its world renowned hospitality. With Ariana’s experience in the industry and NAS’s capabilities in provision of ground handling services, the new JV NAS-Ariana, will take aviation services in Afghanistan to new heights.
NAS Wins Award for Best Emerging Markets Ground Handling Services Provider for the 4th Year Running
Abu Dhabi:
Saturday, April 26, 2014
National Aviation Services (NAS), the leading provider of quality airport ground handling services in emerging markets, has won the award for Best Emerging Markets Ground Handing Services Provider at the Emerging Markets Airports Awards Ceremony in Abu Dhabi earlier this week.
NAS CEO Hassan El-Houry Selected as Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
The World Economic Forum has selected Hassan El Houry, chief executive officer of Agility’s National Aviation Services (NAS) affiliate, as a Young Global Leader for 2014.
El Houry, 35, has led NAS, an airport and aviation services company, through a period of strong growth in emerging markets countries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Under El Houry, NAS has expanded its services to include airport terminal management and airport IT services, in addition to ground handling and other core services. Its strategy is to meet the fast-growing demand for aviation services in emerging markets countries.
El Houry is among 214 global executives selected this year to be a WEF Young Global Leader, a group that now includes more than 900 individuals worldwide. The program brings accomplished young executives together and challenges them to address problems by delivering “change of genuine global significance.”
“Young Global Leaders are not just exceptional people in their own ri
Agility's Tradelanes Magazine Interviews Hassan El-Houry, NAS' CEO
Friday, May 3, 2013
Agility’s National Aviation Services (NAS) is the fastest growing aviation services provider in emerging markets. It offers passenger, ramp and cargo handling, along with training, lounge operations, aviation security, meet-and-greet service and other value-added services. NAS operates at 16 airports in the Middle East, Africa and India, including Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Ras Al-Khaimah, Al-Dhafra, Nairobi, Kigali and Mumbai. NAS recently was named “Best Emerging Markets Airport Ground Handler” at the Emerging Markets Airport Awards for the third consecutive year. Tradelanes talked to NAS CEO Hassan El-Houry about industry trends and aviation opportunities in emerging markets countries.
NAS awarded Best Ground Handler for the 3rd year in a row at the EMAA’s
Dubai UAE:
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
National Aviation Services (NAS), the leading provider of quality aviation services, has been named the ‘Best Emerging Markets Airport Ground Handler’ at the Emerging Markets Airport Awards in Dubai for the third year in a row. This award honors airports and aviation providers from the Middle East, Africa, Indian Subcontinent, Russia, CIS, and Baltic States by surveying the most diverse and discerning group of professionals involved in airports, aviation, aerospace, cargo and logistics. The EMA awards evaluates a broad range of product and service touch points across the airport experience, covering a wide spectrum of passenger types and the highest satisfaction ratings in a diverse industry.
NAS Group to provide services at Abu Dhabi airport
Abu Dhabi:
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC) has signed an agreement with the National Aviation Services Group (NAS) to further develop its best in class services to customers travelling through the capital’s airport.The new agreement gives NAS the provision of managing and operating Golden Class services at Abu Dhabi International Airport on behalf of ADAC.The agreement was signed between James E. Bennett, CEO of ADAC and Hassan El-Houry, CEO NAS Group, and became effective on 01st May 2012, with all current Golden Class employees to be transferred to NAS.
Ras Al-Khaimah Airport awards ground handling contract
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Ras Al-Khaimah International Airport (RAK) has awarded a ground handling operations contract to Kuwait-based National Aviation Services (NAS), in the first of its kind agreement for an airport in the UAE.Under the terms of the contract NAS will provide RAK with ground handling services including ramp handling as well as check-in, arrival, transit and cargo services.
NAS PEARL LOUNGE: A glowing lounge inaugurated at the Kigali International Airport
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
August 4 marked another milestone in Rwanda’s aviation industry. The newly refurbished Pearl lounge was launched by Infrastructure Minister Albert Nsengiyumva. The facelift of the lounge was started in July 2011.
National Aviation Services (NAS) wins Best Emerging Market Ground Handler for the 2nd Year
Monday, June 13, 2011
National Aviation Services (NAS), the leading provider of quality airport ground handling services, has won the award for Best Emerging Market Airport Ground Handler at the Emerging Markets Airport Awards in Dubai for the second year in a row. The EMA awards honors airports and aviation providers from the Middle East, Africa, Indian Subcontinent, Russia, CIS, and Baltic States by surveying the most diverse and discerning group of professionals involved in airports, aviation, aerospace, cargo and logistics. This year’s winners were announced at a gala event held at the Dubai Air Show attended by more than 700 aviation industry leaders on June 1.
NAS signs agreement with Ethiopian Airlines for Ground Handling services at Kuwait International Airport
Monday, October 11, 2010
National Aviation Services (NAS), the region’s fastest growing private airline ground handling company announced that it has been appointed the official Ground Handling Agent for Ethiopian Airlines, one of the fastest growing air carriers in the African continent. According to this agreement, NAS will provide Ethiopian Airlines with passenger services, cargo services, ramp handling and lounge services at the Kuwait International Airport.The strategic agreement was signed by Mr. Eskinder Alemu, Director Ground Services, and Mr. Hassan El Houry, Chief Executive Officer of NAS. The opening was graced by officials of NAS, Ethiopian Airlines and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Kuwait.Ethiopian Airlines operates five flights a week between Kuwait International Airport and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia operating a fleet of Boeings. The airline serves a total of 58 destinations worldwide including 37 destinations in Africa making it one of the largest air carriers in the continent.
NAS hosts summer interns from the Kuwaiti Manpower & Government Restructuring Program
Monday, August 9, 2010
30, August 2010: National Aviation Services (NAS), the leading provider of ground handling services, has successfully completed an internship program in collaboration with the Manpower and Government Restructuring Program (MGRP). The trainees interned at NAS for one month in the support departments such as Information Technology, Quality Assurance, Sales & Marketing, Human Resources and Training.
NAS signs ground handling agreement with Air Arabia- Egypt
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
NAS announced the signing of an agreement with Air Arabia- Egypt for the provision of ground handling and support services at the Kuwait International Airport on June 2nd 2010. Air Arabia- Egypt is the 27th scheduled passenger Airline to join us. Through this agreement, NAS has agreed to provide Air Arabia- Egypt with airline ground handling services like ground/ramp support, passenger services and cargo management. Passengers traveling on Air Arabia- Egypt will be able to take advantage of other value added services provided by NAS like the Meet & Assist, the Pearl Lounge for First & Business Class Passengers.
NAS wins Award for best airport ground handler
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The National Aviation Services (NAS), the leading provider of quality airport ground handling services in developing countries has won the Award for Best Airport Ground Handler in the emerging markets, NAS CEO Hassan El Houry said Ground handling companies nominated in the same category were Dnata, Swissport and Astra among others and NAS won the award for its exemplary ground handling services and for the steady growth it has shown in the past year. "NAS is an aviation services company that is changing the face of the industry within the region and has gained respect from airlines and government authorities alike for its excellent ramp handling, passenger services, cargo management and engineering services," El Houry said in a press statement.
NAS signs agreement with Flydubai for provision of ground handling services at the Kuwait International Airport
Saturday, March 13, 2010
NAS is an aviation services company that is changing the face of the industry within the region and has gained respect from airlines and government authorities alike for its exemplary ramp handling, passenger services, cargo management and engineering services.The Airline flydubai will initially be flying 2 flights a day between Kuwait International Airport and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and will be using its fleet of Boeing 737 – 800s to operate this route. Passengers traveling on flydubai will benefit from the airline’s 11 onward destinations apart from Dubai. Passengers will also be able to use the Hala Kuwait Meet & Assist Services and the Pearl Lounge, both operated by NAS to enhance their journey when traveling via Kuwait.
NAS India wins ground handling tender for three airports in India
Monday, December 14, 2009
The leading provider of quality airport ground handling services in developing countries, National Aviation Services (NAS) today officially announced that it has been awarded handling contracts at three prominent airports in India’s western region, Ahmedebad, Pune and Goa.Through this award, NAS India will provide passenger services and ramp handling to airlines operating at the three airports which boast some of the highest passenger volumes and aircraft movements among non-metropolitan cities in India. The Award was made by the Airports Authority of India (AAI), the organization working under the Indian Ministry of Civil Aviation that manages around 126 airports in India, both domestic and international.
NAS signs ground handling agreement with TUNISAIR
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The region’s fastest growing ground handling company National Aviation Services (NAS) today announced the signing of an agreement with Royal Jordanian Airlines for the provision of ground handling and support services at the Kuwait International Airport.
NAS signs ground handling agreement with NAS Air
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The region’s fastest growing ground handling company National Aviation Services (NAS) today announced the signing of an agreement with Nas Air for the provision of ground handling and support services at the Kuwait International Airport.The ceremony which was followed by an official ribbon cutting at the check-in counters at the Kuwait Airport, took place with senior management of NAS, NAS Air and Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) present.Through this agreement, NAS will provide Nas Air with airline ground handling services like ground/ramp support, passenger services and cargo management.NAS Air will be operating four flights a week between Kuwait & Riyadh and through this will be able to connect to around 20 domestic destinations worldwide. Passengers flying on NAS Air will be able to benefit from other value added services by NAS like the Meet & Assist and the Pearl Lounge for First & Business Class Passengers.
NAS signs strategic ground handling agreement with Singapore Airlines
Monday, March 16, 2009
The region’s fastest growing ground handling company, National Aviation Services (NAS), announced an agreement with Singapore Airlines for the provision of ground handling and support services at the Kuwait International Airport.
NAS wins ISAGO Certification
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The region’s fastest growing ground handling company National Aviation Services (NAS) today announced that it is the third company in the world to win the acclaimed ISAGO (IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operators) certification
NAS signs strategic ground handling agreement with Royal Jordanian
Monday, December 1, 2008
The region’s fastest growing ground handling company National Aviation Services (NAS) today announced the signing of an agreement with Royal Jordanian Airlines for the provision of ground handling and support services at the Kuwait International Airport at an official ribbon-cutting ceremony held at the Kuwait International Airport. The ceremony which was followed by an official ribbon cutting at the check-in counters at the Kuwait Airport, took place with senior management of NAS, Royal Jordanian and Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) present. Through this agreement, NAS will provide Royal Jordanian with airline ground handling services like ground/ramp support, passenger services and cargo management.
NAS wins ground handling operations contract at Mumbai International Airport
Monday, November 24, 2008
The region’s fastest growing airline ground handling company, National Aviation Services (NAS) has a won a bid to handle passengers and cargo at the Mumbai International Airport in Mumbai, India along with a partner for 10 years concession.The announcement was made at a press conference by the newly reorganized top management at NAS spearheaded by Mr. Naji Al-Ajmi, President & CEO of NAS Global, Mr. Adel Al-Askar; Senior Vice President of Governance & Strategic Planning and Mr. Hassan El-Houry, CEO of NAS MENA.
NAS sign agreement with Delta Air Lines for Ground Handling, Cargo GSA and Maintenance services at Kuwait International Airport
Sunday, November 9, 2008
National Aviation Services (NAS), the region’s fastest growing private airline ground handling company announced that it has been appointed both Ground Handling Agent as well as GSA (General Cargo Sales Agents) for Delta Air Lines in Kuwait. According to this agreement, NAS will provide Delta Air Lines with Passenger Services, Line Maintenance, Cargo Services, Security Services and Ramp Handling in addition to serving as a General Sales Agent for Cargo at the Kuwait International Airport.The strategic agreement was signed by Mr. Frank Jahangir, Delta's Vice President Sales Europe, Middle East and Africa and Mr. Naji Al-Ajmi, Chief Executive Officer of NAS.
National Aviation Services officially appointed GSA for Jet Airways Cargo
Thursday, July 3, 2008
National Aviation Services (NAS), the region’s fastest growing private airline ground handling company announced that it has been appointed GSA (General Sales Agents) for Jet Airways Cargo in Kuwait. The strategic agreement was signed at the NAS headquarters by Mr. Mehboob Peshimam, General Manager, Kuwait and Mr. Fareed Al Alawi, Vice President, Gulf & MEA on behalf of Jet Airways along with Mr. Naji Al-Ajmi, Chief Executive Officer of NAS.